Author Topic: Stop jumping in front of my car.  (Read 2224 times)

So here I am testing a race track and at least over 6 people jet in front of my car as I am testing the racetrack. This is extremely annoying, why do people have the need to do this? It's a one seat car anyways so they can't ride with me even if they wanted to.

I'm sure this happens to all of you.

singleplayer and passworded servers are always an option. people are going to be annoying no matter what, you either deal with it or cry.

But why this, it's not cute nor funny.

Probably because the majority of the game consists of 13 year old children.

It's Blockland, what did you honestly expect? Maturity? Pff.

More annoying than people obstructing my view while I am building.

Destructo wand?

Then they crouch and I hit my build!

People stay out of my way when I'm building, you don't have to literally get in my way to get my attention to talk to me.

Newsflash: less than 1/10th of users actually browse the forums

simple, play in single player ._.

Then they crouch and I hit my build!

People stay out of my way when I'm building, you don't have to literally get in my way to get my attention to talk to me.

Don't paint yourself to look like a target and whine when you get shot.

kick? ban? singleplayer? whats the problem here

Then they crouch and I hit my build!

People stay out of my way when I'm building, you don't have to literally get in my way to get my attention to talk to me.
If that's the case then they're being douchebags and you should ban them.

I don't see why you're taking something like this so seriously.
« Last Edit: February 27, 2014, 11:42:52 PM by Slammer1337 »

make a mod that causes cars to delete the player objects they run into

if i'm not mistaken, your car will still forget up but they'll be more forgeted up

a very advanced mod could attempt to autocorrect by resetting your kart back a second or so before impact so you're not flying.