Author Topic: Beginner's Weapons: New Big-Ass Sniper! Taking requests and suggestions!  (Read 9436 times)

well tbh default style isn't exactly this
it's more like the styles of pi's AK47, marcem's assault rifle, etc.
tbh it's somewhat particular and has to fit in with the default gun

Well regardless of the minor details or opinions, I like this style better than the squishy guns. So Imma keep making them this way.

Just got done with this little monster.

It might be a bit too long from the handle to the shoulder stock, but once I learn how to get weapons to show up ingame, I'll be able to adjust that. If you wanna help with that issue, go here:

It has no replies, but its an issue so far in terms of "completing" models scale.

Also, I'm going to be redoing the current Army AR, Army SR, and Civilian AR series. Keep them generally the same, but touch them up a bit. Once I've done that, I'm adding in and changing weapon categories. Army will change to Military, just to be more general. The current Army SR is going to be moved to the new Mercenary category and this new sniper rifle I present here will take its place as the new Military Sniper.

The Criminal category is going to be split into Gangster and Heister categories. Gangster weapons are going to be low-tech stuff you'd expect from modern street gangs or oldschool mobsters, and the Heisters weapons are going to be more complicated and niche weapons for small coordinated groups to rob banks or other points of interest. (Payday 2)

And finally, I'm going to work on the Chauchat Machine gun that Gumba Jonny suggested, but I have no idea where it's going  to fit in...

Terrorist category when

I wanted to spread the typical "terrorist" weapons along the other, more neutral categories. As a gun enthusiast myself, I don't like the idea of pinning "terrorist" on certain weapons just because they happen to be cheap to manufacture, and thus favored by terrorist groups.

a better name would be "insurgency"
insurgents, freedom fighters, rebels, partisans, terrorists, etc. are all really in the same context but have different sorts of denominations depending on how the labeler sees it
insurgency is the most neutral and would suit best

Old Vs New

Added more definition to the body, gave it a better barrel, and a better trigger. I also shortened the body itself, to make it more "tight" looking. This one one isn't exactly the "final", but since I've improved, I thought I'd touch up the earlier ones I made. Thoughts on this?

As for the terrorist thing, I think most "Insurgency" weapons for now will fit into Mercenary, but if I keep going later on, I'll probably add an insurgency category. Depends on how the inspiration goes. I tried making an AK awhile back, and I hated it. So we'll see.
« Last Edit: March 27, 2014, 12:27:00 PM by TheShadowCross »

I have a suggestion, could you possibly do the XM8 series? I feel like that family of weaponry is mistreated, you know being rejected by the national guard about 3 times now even thought its pretty much an all in one, and the fact that it currently ranks(stat wise) better than the M16 and M4A1. Its sad to see these weapons fade away they're truly diamonds of modern weaponry.


i think labeling the XM8 series as diamonds of modern weaponry is a little far fetched
the series itself is basically the G36 except americanized
although it does look really loving cool

You know, I was honestly thinking today if I should make a whole 3-4 weapon set of XM8s in their own category. Bad Company category? Prototype category? I like the XM8s aswell and I wanna fit them in somewhere. They're to me more visually appealing than the G36s both in color, and in terms of the sights they all tend to use. Plus, in application, I'm not sure the G36 series is as easy to strip and modify in the field, which was the XM8s "gimmick" so to speak.

I have so many weapons planned already, its just a matter of finding the inspiration to make them 1 by 1. If I could get some feedback on the new version of the M16-ish I posted above, I could finish all 3 versions of that and get going on other weapon families. I want to make a 4th M16-ish variant somewhere with a drum or belt magazine, and then I want to make an AK family. But again, I tried making an AK and I hated it, so that one might take some time. I also can't seem to make a Desert Eagle I'm happy with...

Meanwhile, Wheatley still hasn't commented on his Portal Gun I made, and no one has given me any kind of help whatsoever on coding! So, I'm still stuck no matter how many models I complete.

Well for starters, the M16's mag has like 3 small center lines going down the center of the mag right?
I'm talking about this thing ->

Also the stock should be a little bit shorter width wise as well as the center iron sight.
Its fit for gameplay, but the problem persists here: You have a great modeler who is willing to make a pack of guns/take requests but no scripter who is kind enough to lend a few short minutes of his time with a server.cs file and some key code that can be ripped from the default gun.
I can try to help, but I've only done vehicles so...

Did you get the bones labeled? Ex: ejectPoint?

triggers need a trigger guard

Little details like that on the mag can be a bit much, but I'll try some things out and see if I can make it look good without getting too much going on. The M16 I'm replicating is the A1 with no forward assist, just because I like how it looks most.

As for the coding, there are plenty of people who would take the models and code them on their own, but thats not what I want. I want someone who will give me the know-how to code things myself. These have to be the most bare-bones simple weapons you can make, but people act offended when I dont know how to make weapon states...

Granted, Wheatley said he would help me, but that won't be for a long time because he has his own projects to work on for school. I can wait if I have to, but I'm hoping someone will help me before then.

If you go here:
You'll see where I got stuck. I took the laser pistol model thingy for Legoboss, and replaced the default gun model with it (after backing it up) to see if it would work ingame at all. The textures are gone, but I know why that is. The weapon in hand is placed wrong in multiple ways despite me having a MountPoint. However! I have a MuzzlePoint also assigned, and THAT works perfectly. The bullet starts at the tip of the barrel of the gun no matter what position it's in. So that's a plus at least. I need to know that much before I can finish the scale of models, if I need shorter stocks or bigger grips or whatever.

After that, I need to know all of the essentials for making it work as a stand alone addon. I know how to call to individual files, but thats all I know code wise.

triggers need a trigger guard

Not in Blocko style.

the term "blocko style" or "blocky style" is honestly a buzzword because everyone has their own take on it

the term "blocko style" or "blocky style" is honestly a buzzword because everyone has their own take on it

Yes, but that hasnt always been the case. I'm not making trigger guards, because this way of making weapons would look bad with them.