Author Topic: If I hosted a SS13 server, would you guys play on it?  (Read 13915 times)

I know how to do it, its a question of actually doing it on a headless Linux server

I guess you could rename whichever one to tgstation2 then rename the actual tgstation2. It may work. You'll probably have to compile again though.

I have an old build of apollostation we can use.

i understand absolutely nothing about this game

but its still fun

if I understand this properly which I probably don't, next server reboot you should be playing on ministation

edit: wait stuff
~/tg-station$ DreamMaker tgstation.dme
loading tgstation.dme
loading interface/skin.dmf
loading map_files/MiniStation/MiniStation.dmm
_maps/map_files/MiniStation/MiniStation.dmm:2293:error: undefined type: /obj/item/weapon/reagent_containers/food/snacks/spellburger
_maps/map_files/MiniStation/MiniStation.dmm:2293:error: unknown type
tgstation.dmb - 2 errors, 0 warnings

that's bad
oh holy stuff, maps are just text files - i can edit this stuff myself
« Last Edit: March 03, 2014, 09:14:08 PM by Lugnut »

So you got it? Or should we wait a bit more?

stuff gonna crash if you reboot now


nah if it crashes I can just put it back up once it's done but that'd be pretty cool though, acting like the world will end

actually it's possible those errors aren't actually a major problem, but i doubt it

okay everything is a go, turns out every loving file that byond makes is a text file
and well formatted

i can use a loving text editor to edit this stuff

that is cool

anyway, fixed the errors, everything compiled - oh and I changed the map, it was one of the first lines in tgstation.dme: "#include = _map/tgstation" or some stuff, idk, it works now.

everything should work when the server reboots, worst case scenario it keeps using the same map. i'm out for a few hours so deal.

Could some admin pop in for a second and restart the world then? Or at least turn the power on.

ya dat power be out like shiat

obviously drendran will join, the massive ultimate supreme great super player of space station 13
Sorry I was busy doing... something.

Connection closed whyyy
Worked on this ministation modification just for blf.

Currently version 1.

-Added an extension to central primary hallway.
 -Includes 4 vending machines, an arcade machine, a photocopier, and a microwave.
 -At the end of the extension is a "Storage" room, which contains a welding fuel tank, water tank, autolathe, and many other machines, such as vendomats and washing machines.
-Added some secrets around the map.
-Moved Ore Redemption machine to mining, a smart choice.

upload that stuff to pastebin or something so i can download it straight to the server without bullstuff

pastebin, github, dropbox... maybe, a generic not stuffty host that gives you direct download links

last night was p fun

so i invited my rl friend to join the server

he cool though
« Last Edit: March 04, 2014, 11:26:22 AM by e-maxx »