Pick-Up Lines Based On the Above User's Avatar v21

Author Topic: Pick-Up Lines Based On the Above User's Avatar v21  (Read 7496 times)

You want some of this?

planes aren't the only thing I'm good at piloting

this airplane isnt the only thing long and papery

The flag used to be just green

my docking station or yours?

Im gonna be bombing you soon

Fabulous Ass I say indeed!

uhm.... stuff...... uhhhhhhh.......

Baby, that cigarette ain't the only thing I see smokin'.

oh hello i am just an innocent schoolgirl please do not rape me

This is the face you'll see all night with me.

ever tried bird seed?that was so god awful please kill me

how about you try rebirthing me?~~~~

would you like to know where i got this SUIT?