Author Topic: LGBTQA megathread- the stuffstorm has passed and a rainbow protrudes the clouds.  (Read 31171 times)


Welcome to the LGBTQA megathread, where we post all things under the umbrella term queer and celebrate the worlds first small steps towards equality for all genders and loveuality.

A lesbian is a female who expresses romantic or loveual attraction to other females, whether primarily or exclusively, or a female who self-identifies as lesbian.

Gay is a term that primarily refers to a homoloveual person or the trait of being homoloveual.
Note: Gay is usually used when referencing same love interactions between two people who identify as male, but also can be used as an umbrella term.

Biloveuality is romantic attraction, loveual attraction or loveual behavior toward both those who identify as males and those who identify as females.

Transgender is the state of one's gender identity (self-identification as woman, man, neither or both) or gender expression not matching one's assigned love (identification by others as male, female or interlove based on physical/genetic love).
Note: love and gender are not the same thing! The difference all boils down to a seemingly simple ideal: love = male and female, and Gender = masculine and feminine.
Note2: If you know you are speaking with a transgender/any variation of trans, please ask them for their "Preferred Pronouns". Gender specific and neutral pronouns can be sensitive to some trans people, so dont be shy to ask! Some popular ones are: Them: They went to the store. Ze: Ze(pronounced ZEE) went to the store.

The questioning of one's gender, loveual identity, loveual orientation, or all three is a process of exploration by people who may be unsure, still exploring, and concerned about applying a social label to themselves for various reasons.
Note: It is COMPLETELY normal to question your gender, loveual identity, and loveual orientation. Please visit the F.A.Q. for more info.
Queer is an umbrella term for loveual and gender minorities that are not heteroloveual, or gender-binary.

Aloveuality (or nonloveuality) is the lack of loveual attraction to anyone or low or absent interest in loveual activity.
Note: Many variations of this exist, including grey-aloveual, loveually repulsed, and more.

Orientation minorities
(definitions are paraphrased)
Panloveual: Being loveually/romantically attracted to who someone is, not what they are.
Sapioloveual: Romantically attracted to intelligence.More of a special interest.
Feel free to post more orientation minorities so I can add them to the list.

Frequently Asked Questions
Is there something wrong with being queer?
Can gay people change their loveual orientation or gender identity?
No, gender identity/loveual orientation is NOT a choice, so it cannot be simply changed.
How does someone know they are lesbian, gay, biloveual or transgender?
It's all natural. Some say they knew from childhood, and others say they felt like it was just right.
Should I talk to a loved one about his or her loveual orientation or gender identity before the person talks to me?
They will come out to you when it is their time. NEVER, EVER ask someone if they are gay, or any variations thereof.
Is there difference between loveual and romantic attraction?
Yes. Romantic attraction is a feeling that causes people to desire a romantic relationship with someone. Ex: I want to be in a relationship with that woman! loveual attraction is attraction on the basis of loveual desire or the quality of arousing such interest. Ex: I want to have love with that woman!
Is it okay if I question my loveuality?
Determining your loveual orientation can be a confusing experience, but only you can truly determine it, on your own terms. Don't let anyone tell you who you are attracted to.
Ask more questions if needed, it will be my/others pleasure to answer them.

Known LGB+ forumers:
Silreath: Panloveual-sapioloveual.
Reficul: Gay.
Swat 3: Gay.
Childofdarkness: aloveual-homoromantic.
Axo-Tak:omniloveual bigender.
Cool Boi: Aloveual.
MrKitKat: Biloveual.
/ / /: Gay.
The Brighter Dark: Panloveual.
Nal: Gay.

Feel free to discuss LGBTQA ideas, but please, no spewing that "cigarettes should be culled" B.S. Thanks.
« Last Edit: March 09, 2014, 03:36:32 PM by Silreath »

The LGB part is fine by me but I've seen so much stupid stuff coming from the T that it's going to take quite a lot of convincing before I care about their problems.

Mmmm OP you know this is just a magnet for stuff

im polymegaglobodemiotherloveual and i will not stand for oppression

down with the cis scum

Mmmm OP you know this is just a magnet for stuff
The Bronies get a megathread, the furries get a megathread, the Heteroloveuals get one(hot gurlz!), we deserve to have a megathread just as much as any other person/group.

All these letters are starting to get a bit ridiculous. I actually heard GLTBQIA the other day, the I for Interlove (w/ever that is I don't even know)

The Bronies get a megathread, the furries get a megathread, the Heteroloveuals get one(hot gurlz!), we deserve to have a megathread just as much as any other person/group.

I understand

There's just not much to discuss here besides the two sides on a very, very controversial subject

The Bronies get a megathread, the furries get a megathread, the Heteroloveuals get one(hot gurlz!), we deserve to have a megathread just as much as any other person/group.
except all of them gone to stuff and just die in the end

i guess add me

Homoloveuality: a person who is attracted to the same love/gender.
Heteroloveual: a person who is attracted to the opposite love/gender.
Gay: a man who is attracted to males.
Lesbian: a woman who is attracted to females.
Biloveual: a person attracted to males and females.
Panloveual: a person attracted to personality regardless of love or gender.
Aloveual: little or no loveual attraction to others.
Polyloveual: similar to biloveual, but person acknowledges and is attracted to more than two genders e.g may be attracted to a female who is gender-fluid.
Demi-loveual: a person who doesn't feel loveual attraction to a person until they have a strong emotional connection.
Autoloveual: a person who prefers procrastination and/or are attracted to themselves.
Pomoloveual: someone who doesn't identify with conventional loveualities.
Androloveuality/Androphilia: a person attracted to masculinity, not necessarily males.
Gyneloveuality/Gynecophilia: a person attracted to femininity, not necessarily females.
Queer: a person who is not heteroloveual and wants to acknowledge it without conforming to a conventional loveuality.
Omniloveual: a person who does not have a loveual preference and may be attracted to everyone equally.
