Author Topic: LGBTQA megathread- the stuffstorm has passed and a rainbow protrudes the clouds.  (Read 31176 times)

ok? that's what you believe then I guess you can believe that.

Let me talk some biology at you because unlike I'm guessing most of the forum I've graduated high school and am also earning a bachelor's degree, which is kind of cool, because it allows me to speak with a modicum authority on certain things.

There's a theory called evolution by natural selection, which dictates that traits which lead to people successfully reproducing are generally passed on and will usually become more predominant in a population over time.

...skipping a lot of stuff in the middle, being able to successfully reproduce can't even exactly be called something that's evolutionarily selected for because it's more of the literal biological meaning of life.

Sterility is one thing. I strongly, strongly doubt (although I can't speak with -absolute authority- on this, though I'm making what's called an educated guess) that there are no human beings with fully biologically functioning reproductive systems that feel absolutely no need or desire to pass on their genes.

loving and eating, and facilitating those actions drive basically everything we do.

You can type in, right?
of loving course, but I'm trying to teach a lesson in the school of "when you use the phrase 'proven fact', it's generally good to have a peer reviewed article or extensive knowledge and practice in the field"
« Last Edit: March 08, 2014, 01:40:24 AM by Sirrus »

Why the hell does the shape chromosomes affect how people love the same-love?
what the hell does this have to do with any point im making

If I drop your "male" brain into a women's body, you/their genitals do transform into a snake just because you are a male.
If you got your brain moved into a woman's body, you would be a woman.

Let me talk some biology at you because unlike I'm guessing most of the forum I've graduated high school and am also earning a bachelor's degree, which is kind of cool, because it allows me to speak with a modicum authority on certain things.

There's a theory called evolution by natural selection, which dictates that traits which lead to people successfully reproducing are generally passed on and will usually become more predominant in a population over time.

...skipping a lot of stuff in the middle, being able to successfully reproduce can't even exactly be called something that's evolutionarily selected for because it's more of the literal biological meaning of life.

Sterility is one thing. I strongly, strongly doubt (although I can't speak with -absolute authority- on this, though I'm making what's called an educated guess) that there are human beings with fully biologically functioning reproductive systems that feel absolutely no need or desire to pass on their genes.

loving and eating, and facilitating those actions drive basically everything we do.
of loving course, but I'm trying to teach a lesson in the school of "when you use the phrase 'proven fact', it's generally good to have a peer reviewed article or extensive knowledge and practice in the field"
OK I guess
I mean I know that everyone will still be able to reproduce no matter their loveuality, but like you said, their lack of interest of passing on their genes is what I define as aloveual
sorry if I got the wrong thing out of that, it 2 am here and I'm tired

If you got your brain moved into a woman's body, you would be a woman.
Your love would be female, but gender would be dependent on you are.

Your love would be female, but gender would be dependent on you are.
gender = love

Guys we already have the gay megathread, just head on over to the furries thread pls.
this can't be uttered by a ponyhugger though

it's just


I didn't even understand what I just typed lol.

If I drop your "male" brain into a women's body, do you think your/their genitals would transform into a snake just because you are a male in the noggin?

gender = love

OK I guess
I mean I know that everyone will still be able to reproduce no matter their loveuality, but like you said, their lack of interest of passing on their genes is what I define as aloveual
sorry if I got the wrong thing out of that, it 2 am here and I'm tired
I am not currently interested in having love


Or are aloveual people trying to evolve loneliness into a movement where they feel accepted and form a tight group and maybe strike up a friendship with...

...someone they can have love with.

Ah, carry on.

Yes. Stop trying to change words for your own backwards nonsense.

cigarette is another misused term just like handicap for being a jerk/someone you don't like. It can be applied to both straight furries and gay furries.
the stereotype is that all furries are male and therefore "cigarettes"

but for some reason it's the opposite for scalies

I would assume aloveual people are intensely introverted.

I would assume aloveual people are intensely introverted.
gender = love
No. I SPECIFICALLY went over this in the thread. Gender=MASCULINE or FEMENINE properties. love=MALE or FEMALE GENITALS.

If someone is so intensely introverted that they're not interested in ever having love, that's a pyschological disorder which effectively causes sterility, it's not a goddamn thing we need to wave a flag for.