Author Topic: Is it safe to use Gravity Cat's UH-1 Iroquois helicopter now?  (Read 1817 times)

Holy bump. This topic is almost three weeks old you idiot.
there's this new thing called 'too old to post', have you heard of it?

there's this new thing called 'too old to post', have you heard of it?

Have you ever tried asking him instead of the forums?

I've posted this issue on his thread about 3 times now, all I get from his butt-buddy followers is "What? You must be playing the game wrong"
Something along the lines of that.

And no one bothered to fix it?

he blames badspot and the game for it happening, he says its out of his hands. whatever that means.

Its "not out of his hands" he can fix it, hell other people can fix it.
I cant count how many times I've added restrictions to all of my DFs only to have the helicopter slip out of some idiots control and give my server, and my computer a heart attack. Computer wise? I don't know, I play in full screen half the time and every time I do I can't kill Blockland because alt-tab breaks and task manager takes a big fat stuff in your face. So the only way to even do anything is to manually reset.

Its "not out of his hands" he can fix it, hell other people can fix it.
I cant count how many times I've added restrictions to all of my DFs only to have the helicopter slip out of some idiots control and give my server, and my computer a heart attack. Computer wise? I don't know, I play in full screen half the time and every time I do I can't kill Blockland because alt-tab breaks and task manager takes a big fat stuff in your face. So the only way to even do anything is to manually reset.
That's why I play windowed on most games.

I send some messages to Gravity, he said about fixing it's helicopter in near future, when he update all download links in their topic.

Whats wrong with the helicopter? I've never had a problem with it.

 All of Gravity Cat's vehicles are unstable pieces of stuff. I sent him many messages asking him to fix them so I could use them for my server, but eventually I just had to learn not to use his vehicles. Keep away from them and treat them like the stuff they are. They look nice but will destroy your server.

That's pure laziness. Even Sgt. A Walter managed to fix his weapons up to a "playable" state.
I applaud you walter for caring and understanding what the community thinks rather than being a lazy bum.

When he released the UH-1 I was happy. Up until I tried to use it in my TDM and crashed everyone on the server. It looks great, and flies nicely. But a single slip up kills your comp.