Author Topic: Annual reminder on how Bethesda forgeted up Fallout aka Fallout 3 tl;dr  (Read 6823 times)

grunter is an idiot, case closed. everyone here can pretty much see that.

And I said before; Edgy isn't a real word, and so it's difficult to find any prime definition as for all we know there is none.. Well it's not a real word yet at least.
(entertainment/advertising jargon): on the edge between acceptable and offensive; pushing the boundaries of good taste; dodgy
This is how most people use it online when they're saying "wow dude you're so edgy".

I'd pick looking like a fool than looking like a starfish any day.
Breaking news, you look like both. I'd suggest you quit before you embarrass yourself further.

grunter is an idiot, case closed. everyone here can pretty much see that.

Though I'm smart enough as to not make a thread that's only going to cause this very same- if not similar arguments that will only end badly.

Though I'm smart enough as to not make a thread that's only going to cause this very same- if not similar arguments that will only end badly.
way to project kiddo- the only person it's ended badly for is you.

way to project kiddo- the only person it's ended badly for is you.

Really? I don't think it has ended that badly at all. My reputation on a game about lego's isn't one I exactly cherish or hold in high regards. But I like how you ignored that I pointed out all you're doing by making this thread is causing problems.
Breaking news, you look like both.

I'm not exactly saying that I'm not a starfish, because really that's not the case, as you might see.

Really? I don't think it has ended that badly at all. My reputation on a game about lego's isn't one I exactly cherish or hold in high regards. But I like how you ignored that I pointed out all you're doing by making this thread is causing problems.

I'm not exactly saying that I'm not a starfish, because really that's not the case, as you might see.
Yes you are an starfish- you're not just a moron but you're a willing moron- and you're also ignoring the point that this thread caused no problems but the ones you brought upon yourself.

Yes you are an starfish That's what I just said, yes

and you're also ignoring the point that this thread caused no problems but the ones you brought upon yourself. Ignoring? Not really, I'm just not bringing it up. But honestly, the thread's begging people to come and start arguing with you about how you're wrong and their right, and vice-versa.

Also, regarding the 2cool4u comment, nothing about that sounds remotely 'cool', and wasn't meant to. It's how I feel about the given situation.

GG, just contradicted yourself.

And yes, having people talk about the game isn't a problem, I had that point in mind. I wanted people to talk about it and what they thought about it and a good way to do that is to present my viewpoint on the matter. The world would be really loving boring if nobody talked their mind.

Whoops accidentally hit the lock button.

The world would be really loving boring if nobody talked their mind. I don't see how it isn't boring because the same thing happens almost every time where one guy states his opinion, other guy goes on to disagree with it, and they bicker without either party gaining anything from it. But sometimes there's that shocking twist where someone just shrugs off the other guys opinion.

Of course there's the off chance someone gets shot because of their opinion. Then it does somewhat become interesting, but not for long.

I'm growing somewhat tired of this, and I'm going to assume you are too. So we may as well drop this, yes?

I'm growing somewhat tired of this, and I'm going to assume you are too. So we may as well drop this, yes?

I'm not but considering you completely shrugged off the entire point of that post you are.

Get the forget out you imbecile.

"stuff I look like an idiot here's a quick one word witty remark!"

"stuff I look like an idiot here's a quick one word witty remark!"

No, not really. Just taking note you're not the likeable type.

No, not really. Just taking note you're not the likeable type.
I have no respect for proud idiots or proud starfishs or any combination of the two. I don't see how that makes me unlikeable.