Author Topic: Eventing should be more like Programming  (Read 2640 times)

Let's face it, the entire eventing system is beyond obsolete and needs a total makeover. Not only is it unappealing to work with but it also discourages users to making huge evented contraptions and concepts that could potentially change Blockland. And I'm not talking just an aesthetic change or added small features here and there. Nothing that you add to its current stage will make it any better.

I was thinking that the layout should be more along the lines of "Block Coding", as shown below in the example of the scientific program called Labview, for the sake of simplicity and flexibility. Basically you have a palette of "blocks" to choose from that perform specific function, divided into categories much like the current system (inputs, targets, outputs), except including much more such as loops and mathematical functions. As shown below in this projectile formula program I made a long time ago, the wires that you see are data wires that transfer information from one block to the next. The different types are data are shown by the color of the wire (integers, booleans, etc).

Just think about it, being able to use loops instead of having to create a controlled system of relays that can potentially go horribly wrong! have no idea if blockland could support such a system of programming individual bricks to perform specific functions with such versatility, but it's worth a shot.

In short, this is meant to be friendly for beginners but could potentially have advanced features for more advanced users.
« Last Edit: March 19, 2014, 08:17:49 PM by Racerboy »

maybe there should be an "Advanced" button in the eventing panel so you can do more advanced things with the program you're talking about

maybe there should be an "Advanced" button in the eventing panel so you can do more advanced things with the program you're talking about
it's not just about adding more features, it's about the fact that the current system sucks ass and is a complete turnoff to anyone who opens the event window.

Well for people like me, this would seem confusing, especially for people who are already used to the event system.
Maybe an option?

I think the current way is just fine, but advanced options would be nice. Also, I wish it was a drag and drop system rather than finding parts of an event through multiple lists.

what if events were like blueprint in UE4

I'm ok with that advanced idea some people suggested.

If you want to be advanced, learn to actually script. I think the events system is good for what it is, an easy to use graphical meta-language for making things work
Any meta-language will always be inferior to the actual language. You want a crutch to splice between the worlds of basic and advanced. It's really not worth doing, especially with the limited dev resources of Blockland. If you want advanced options, use scripts. Blockland has a seriously robust and easy to use modding system already, why try to migrate features from one place to another

why try to migrate features from one place to another
because this is live in-game

plus I suck at scripting and programming unless it's something visual or tangible, but maybe that's just me.
"no syntax necessary" is what I like to say. Just logic.

If eventing was anything more complicated than it is now, nobody would want to do it. Even as it is now hardly anyone bothers to go through the trouble to learn how to event well.

All changing things would do would help the extremely few that do the more complex stuff already meanwhile completely alienating everyone else.

It's a bad idea. Don't fix what isn't broken.
« Last Edit: March 20, 2014, 12:42:57 AM by Mr.Noßody »

You guys are acting like this is MORE complicated. It's less. It's basically connect-the-dots but with actions instead of dots. This will allow for much less linear eventing and a whole new world of functionality. Much like Wiremod or LBP2 logic, it's easy to learn (easier than what we have) but has all sorts of cooler features.

You guys are acting like this is MORE complicated. It's less. It's basically connect-the-dots but with actions instead of dots. This will allow for much less linear eventing and a whole new world of functionality. Much like Wiremod or LBP2 logic, it's easy to learn (easier than what we have) but has all sorts of cooler features.

I don't understand it by looking at it. It looks like a big puzzle. I'd rather not have to re-learn essential functions of Blockland. I can literally read eventing like a sentence. I don't like it and I'm sure not many others will either.

Make it a mod and keep it to yourself.

I don't understand it by looking at it. It looks like a big puzzle. I'd rather not have to re-learn essential functions of Blockland. I can literally read eventing like a sentence. I don't like it and I'm sure not many others will either.

Make it a mod and keep it to yourself.
Have you never used GMod Wiremod or LBP2 logic gates? They're essentially tiles you drop and connect with wires. They still read like a sentence if you follow the lines but the problem with Blockland events is that they're cookie-cutter. If X do Y. Never if A and B, do Z, and if there's also condition C, do Y. If you want a basic onPlayerTouch -> Player -> Kill, then drop in an onPlayerTouch input and a playerKill output, and connect them. Simple as that. Unfortunately, he used a very complex example picture with lots of math and process gates. I can mock up some simpler ones.

No I have never used or heard of anything you talked about.
There's a reason I'm not a programmer.

Id rather a set line sentence and not a web of connected boxes.
« Last Edit: March 20, 2014, 01:01:16 AM by Mr.Noßody »

No I have never used or heard of anything you talked about.
There's a reason I'm not a programmer.

Id rather a set line sentence and not a web of connected boxes.
If by web you mean straight line. This is practically the same as old events on bare minimum. Three connected boxes displayed on a line versus three connected boxes displayed on a canvas. This just happens to have way MORE functionality.

Also you need to play more sandbox games then ;)