Author Topic: Blockland Identification Project - Mod Update 2  (Read 4263 times)

Did anyone actually manage to download the blid/name database from rtb before it went poof?
I was gonna, but it went down literally like an hour before I decided to.

Hey, I just realized I can make an automated program which contributes to your list.
Sounds like my next project! The only problem is that I need to post to the web site slowly so that I don't appear to be a DoS attacker. I can't just use the /post URL as much as I want :(.

fixed 2. ipquarx.
Hey, I just realized I can make an automated program which contributes to your list.
Sounds like my next project! The only problem is that I need to post to the web site slowly so that I don't appear to be a DoS attacker. I can't just use the /post URL as much as I want :(.
we have 1Gbps internet and infinite bandwidth, but if you really feel bad make a queue that after each send calls sleep or pause whatever (3 seconds would be fine tbh, I set up a script that doesnt even sleep so I can't imagine that unless you are literally sending several requests a second that it would make any effect what so ever, and even then you'd need to literally be flooding it for it to look sketchy).
« Last Edit: March 22, 2014, 11:50:44 PM by 0xBRIANSMITH »

Okay, thanks.
My whole plan was to use the forum to collect user information.
I'm going to write a quick program and use pretty much the same method Pacnet did to create his index.

This is a good idea here. Very good idea. Thank you Brian.
the only problem with RTB was that some people were freaking paranoid and hid on nonrtb servers. Can you make a client one that works the same as the server one and catches everyone's names on servers you join?

This is a good idea here. Very good idea. Thank you Brian.
the only problem with RTB was that some people were freaking paranoid and hid on nonrtb servers. Can you make a client one that works the same as the server one and catches everyone's names on servers you join?
This. And automatically sends your updated names.

I can't do client sided posts because of the fact that you can't get IPs from clients and without IPs I can't verify whether or not data is true or fake. Though sending updated names is a definite possibility and I will 100% look into it.

I can't determine whether or not I should keep the BLID list the way it is, considering the fact that it could possibly take up to 26+ Megabytes.

just saying, json is horrible at space efficiency

just saying, json is horrible at space efficiency
in the future Im probably going to end up having the list comeout in the following format:

name \t blid
name \t blid

though until it becomes a problem I wont bother.

Whenever my multi-threaded program tries to index the BL_ID's of the forum users, I get 503 errors. Stupid Cloudflare.
Even when I specify the user-agent.
« Last Edit: March 23, 2014, 12:52:58 AM by Hammereditor5 »

Whenever my multi-threaded program tries to index the BL_ID's of the forum users, I get 503 errors. Stupid Cloudflare.
Even when I specify the user-agent.
you understand that inorder to input into BIP you need to have their IPs too correct?

just saying, json is horrible at space efficiency

... your point is? In "{"name": "Brian Smith", "blid": 8437}", space efficiency is not an issue.

wtf is with your goddamn bookmarks