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Author Topic: linux_megathread_3.pkg.tar.xz -- Post your desktop!  (Read 43628 times)

elementary os isn't old, and it isn't slow, and it uses apt-get so maybe that

...elementary os uses the 12.04 kernel

...elementary os uses the 12.04 kernel

yes you do realize you can upgrade to the 13.04 kernel too right

13.04 still has outdated packages, lol.

no kingdaro you're outdated

if elementary os won't work then try manjaro's community spinoffs or something aaa idk

last time I used manjaro I had so many issues with it

last time I used manjaro I had so many issues with it
Which version? And what kind of issues?

last time I used manjaro I had so many issues with it

if you used the openbox version then i can understand

steam didn't work with manjaro openbox last time i tried it apparently, it only worked with the xfce4 version
plus those damn-annoying problems with my mouse stop working for absolutely no reason after i open a terminal, and the slowness of it overall


if you used the openbox version then i can understand

steam didn't work with manjaro openbox last time i tried it apparently, it only worked with the xfce4 version
plus those damn-annoying problems with my mouse stop working for absolutely no reason after i open a terminal, and the slowness of it overall

xfce version
Which version? And what kind of issues?
I don't remember what version, I had issues with random crashes, wine issues and so forth

I don't remember what version, I had issues with random crashes, wine issues and so forth
Wine issues is a fault with wine, not with Manjaro, lol. The only wine issues I had was with osu! which is a bitch in general to play on linux regardless, so I just stopped trying.

As for the random crashes, I used to have a very similar issue and went kernel hopping in an effort to fix it. I found that the problem was with something called "mei-me" that flooded my HDD with error messages and rendered me unable to use most programs (chrome couldn't make its cache files because there was no space for any, lol).

The nice thing about Arch, its derivatives, and about linux in general, is that, even though more problems may crop up than when using other OSes, they can be easily fixed with the right about of experience and knowledge, or just googling.

Wine issues is a fault with wine, not with Manjaro, lol. The only wine issues I had was with osu! which is a bitch in general to play on linux regardless, so I just stopped trying.

As for the random crashes, I used to have a very similar issue and went kernel hopping in an effort to fix it. I found that the problem was with something called "mei-me" that flooded my HDD with error messages and rendered me unable to use most programs (chrome couldn't make its cache files because there was no space for any, lol).

The nice thing about Arch, its derivatives, and about linux in general, is that, even though more problems may crop up than when using other OSes, they can be easily fixed with the right about of experience and knowledge, or just googling.
in my experience, less problems pop up
there's also the fact that installing archlinux is easier than using windows (not even joking…)

First time around, I'd say installing arch is a bit of a bitch. That's half of the reason why I use Manjaro, lol.

First time around, I'd say installing arch is a bit of a bitch. That's half of the reason why I use Manjaro, lol.
yeah, it is, next time i need to install arch i might just get manjaro and install xmonad

I chose Manjaro with Gnome 3.10.
lets see how this is, its nice so far.
How can I install drivers for manjaro though. I've never done it on arch so how could i?
i have a nvidia gtx 770

How can I install drivers for manjaro though. I've never done it on arch so how could i?
i have a nvidia gtx 770
This page has pretty much all you need to know about that: http://wiki.manjaro.org/index.php?title=Manjaro_Hardware_Detection

Send help, I'm browsing the forum with links because i broke something.
I have a gtx 770 and I installed to what I think is the wrong driver and now it hangs on booting up
please help