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Author Topic: linux_megathread_3.pkg.tar.xz -- Post your desktop!  (Read 43717 times)

the only thing that baffles me is that people use operating systems which are closed-source (or anything which is closed-source) and think it's alright
i mean, yes, i sometimes do use closed-source software, but pretty much everything important is FOSS on my system
i just don't see anymore how people use closed-source software, every day i see new reasons on why not to use it, you're practically giving control of your entire system (modulo sandbox) to whoever is developing the software
how is this /ever/ acceptable? :(
how is using mac os x or windows /ever/ a thing anyone would do? there goes your freedom, have fun with your malicious OS

you've been raving on and on about closed source software since the beginning of this thread

we get it already

the only thing that baffles me is that people use operating systems which are closed-source (or anything which is closed-source) and think it's alright
i mean, yes, i sometimes do use closed-source software, but pretty much everything important is FOSS on my system
i just don't see anymore how people use closed-source software, every day i see new reasons on why not to use it, you're practically giving control of your entire system (modulo sandbox) to whoever is developing the software
how is this /ever/ acceptable? :(
how is using mac os x or windows /ever/ a thing anyone would do? there goes your freedom, have fun with your malicious OS

windows is better than linux in some aspects but linux is better than windows in some aspects
for example linux is better with its stability
and performance

and windows is better for games
and has more software

yeah windows 8 is way too loving expensive but you can get windows 7 cheaper

stop whoring about windows being closed source
we get it ffs

If Linux had more games I would switch and wouldn't come back.

the only thing that baffles me is that people use operating systems which are closed-source (or anything which is closed-source) and think it's alright
i mean, yes, i sometimes do use closed-source software, but pretty much everything important is FOSS on my system
i just don't see anymore how people use closed-source software, every day i see new reasons on why not to use it, you're practically giving control of your entire system (modulo sandbox) to whoever is developing the software
how is this /ever/ acceptable? :(
how is using mac os x or windows /ever/ a thing anyone would do? there goes your freedom, have fun with your malicious OS
maybe people don't know how to install it in the first place?

I need an extremely lightweight operating system for my grandmother's old laptop.

I need an extremely lightweight operating system for my grandmother's old laptop.
isn't that the XFCE build of Manjaro? The one with the most resource usage?

Post specs of computer. Alao, is it still her laptop? Do we need to consider user friendliness?
I say slap pure Arch Linux on it and trim it down to the absolute bare minimum. There's probably a guide for that somewhere.

stuff guys, I have a big problem. Whenever I use Linux on my computer (Yes, I tried multiple distros), it ALWAYS crashes about five minutes after boot. It gives me a strange graphical glitch where there are diagonal lines going down the screen, and after that it stops responding to anything and I have to force shut down.

This has been happening since I first tried Linux and I only ever got it to stop once on Ubuntu. The reason why it's a big problem now is because it is happening much more frequently then it did before. The computer is practically unusable unless it's from the command line.

I suspect that the cause of this is faulty graphics drivers because when I fixed it in Ubuntu, I just chose a different driver from a list, but now it seems like all drivers are having the same problem. I've tried all of the Nvidia 304xx series drivers for Linux 310. None of them helped. Any suggestions?

My graphics card is an Nvidia GeForce 6100/nForce 405.
It might also be a hardware issue. I sure hope it isn't though.

On a completely unrelated note, has anyone tried the new version of Ubuntu? Is it better than the others or is it still stuffty and bloated?

stuff guys, I have a big problem. Whenever I use Linux on my computer (Yes, I tried multiple distros), it ALWAYS crashes about five minutes after boot. It gives me a strange graphical glitch where there are diagonal lines going down the screen, and after that it stops responding to anything and I have to force shut down.

This has been happening since I first tried Linux and I only ever got it to stop once on Ubuntu. The reason why it's a big problem now is because it is happening much more frequently then it did before. The computer is practically unusable unless it's from the command line.

I suspect that the cause of this is faulty graphics drivers because when I fixed it in Ubuntu, I just chose a different driver from a list, but now it seems like all drivers are having the same problem. I've tried all of the Nvidia 304xx series drivers for Linux 310. None of them helped. Any suggestions?

My graphics card is an Nvidia GeForce 6100/nForce 405.
It might also be a hardware issue. I sure hope it isn't though.

On a completely unrelated note, has anyone tried the new version of Ubuntu? Is it better than the others or is it still stuffty and bloated?

Your graphics card might be very outdated for the modern distributions of Linux. Get an upgrade for $30 srsly

windows is better than linux in some aspects but linux is better than windows in some aspects
for example linux is better with its stability
and performance

and windows is better for games
and has more software

yeah windows 8 is way too loving expensive but you can get windows 7 cheaper

stop whoring about windows being closed source
we get it ffs
my point went over your head completely

my point went over your head completely
Prove that all widely used versions actually are malicious and not just closed source because their respective companies want to make money off of it is what he's saying

I don't think closed source software is a bad thing. If it was open source, it'd be hard if not impossible to sell.

my point went over your head completely

Okay, I g-

you're practically giving control of your entire system (modulo sandbox) to whoever is developing the software

wait, that's your point?
in what way.
You are being given the OS to do whatever you want. Microsoft does not have a backdoor that can steal your data passwords or other stuff, it cant take control of your pc.
giving control of the entire system?
malicious os? what the forget are you trying to say

prove your point

Okay, I g-

wait, that's your point?
in what way.
You are being given the OS to do whatever you want. Microsoft does not have a backdoor that can steal your data passwords or other stuff, it cant take control of your pc.
giving control of the entire system?
malicious os? what the forget are you trying to say

prove your point

closed source → no control or ability to introspect what it is doing → program instructs your computer to do things someone else made it do
it's not real-time control, but still control (can be real-time with backdoors and related things)

i don't see how you can assert that they do not have a backdoor, maybe they do, maybe they don't, but that's not the point

how are you not uncomfortable with running third-party executables on your machine without having any way to inspect them, let alone control them?

I don't think closed source software is a bad thing. If it was open source, it'd be hard if not impossible to sell.
that's a licensing issue, you're talking about free as in freedom software, which is hard to sell
open source software can be commercial, it's the license that dictates whether it will be hard to sell or not

Your graphics card might be very outdated for the modern distributions of Linux. Get an upgrade for $30 srsly
But it's integrated into my motherboard because emachines is stuffty.