Author Topic: My father is in pain from his higher back to other areas.  (Read 858 times)

Tell your Dad that he should stop letting his son seek medical advise on a forum about a lego based game and that he should just ask his doctor.

If it was a day ago, the heart attack would have happened. If he just found out now, the heart attack would be happening now.
If it was a heart attack, OP wouldn't have time to post this.
holy stuff.

since apparently people don't know this / didn't learn this in health class
Quote from:
Many people think a heart attack is sudden, like a "movie" heart attack, where someone clutches her chest and falls over. But the truth is that many heart attacks start slowly as mild pain or discomfort. ... For both women and men, the most common sign of a heart attack is pain or discomfort in the center of the chest. The pain or discomfort can be mild or strong. It can last more than a few minutes, or it can go away and come back. ... Sometimes the signs of a heart attack happen suddenly. But they can also develop slowly, over hours, days, and even weeks before a heart attack occurs. ... Even if you're not sure you're having a heart attack, you should still have it checked out.

could lifting heavy stuff have anything to do with it?

and while, yes, this could be "evidence" that it's something like arthritis, the bottom line is it's always good to get it checked out - better safe than sorry with something like a heart attack.

Tell your Dad that he should stop letting his son seek medical advise on a forum about a lego based game and that he should just ask his doctor.

he probably has no idea that swat even posted this and it's just a case of the son being concerned for his father - leave him be lol

holy stuff.

since apparently people don't know this / didn't learn this in health class
and while, yes, this could be "evidence" that it's something like arthritis, the bottom line is it's always good to get it checked out - better safe than sorry with something like a heart attack.

he probably has no idea that swat even posted this and it's just a case of the son being concerned for his father - leave him be lol
I have arthritis in my spine but I dont have any pain

idk guys ;-;

could lifting heavy stuff have anything to do with it?
with bad form yes.

I'd see a doctor either way, especially since he has a heart condition.

Oh he just farted on us and he said he went to the doctor today during work.

Normal heart rate (for him) and some weird KGBHFISD thingy was normal.

since apparently people don't know this / didn't learn this in health class
what the hell why did nobody ever tell me this

Oh he just farted on us

So he just needed to fart. Make sure to burp your daddy next.

idk guys ;-;

could lifting heavy stuff have anything to do with it?
If you have hernia, AVOID lifting stuff. It will makes things worse and can cause death.
Sucks for my roommates for having the rare kind of hernia...

He's fine.

go to sleep.

he'll be alright.

don't worry about it.

listen to tikitai

If you have hernia, AVOID lifting stuff. It will makes things worse and can cause death.
Sucks for my roommates for having the rare kind of hernia...
you can always order a hernia belt.