Author Topic: If a train leaves a station...  (Read 1473 times)

Algebra 1 yo
Isn't this URM (Uniform Rectilinear Motion (Physics))?

The trains are going the same way

intersection of y = 30x + 30 and y = 50x

x = 1.5
So, 5:30
This is right.

the passenger train makes a u-turn so they never meet

Isn't this URM (Uniform Rectilinear Motion (Physics))?
You're solving a system of two equations by simple substitution.

1. y = 30x + 30 2. y = 50x
substitute 2 into 1

50x = 30x + 30
20x = 30
2x = 3
x = 3 / 2
x = 1.5

They're always departing but they never arrive... And the ones that do arrive... They never leave... You never see them go they're always full... No one ever gets on but they're always... They're always departing but they never arrive..

It's all experience baby. When you see the freight train pass the passenger train with your eyes you will then proceed to look at your watch and see the time. Good lord people, even a 5 year old can figure this out.