Author Topic: Kalphiter started an anti-Blockland subreddit  (Read 4028 times)

I still think Kalph is awesome.

Bad business practices? I dunno, I haven't seen Baddy forget anything up really lol. In fact, from what I've seen, he's done a lot of smart things.

Bad business practices? I dunno, I haven't seen Baddy forget anything up really lol. In fact, from what I've seen, he's done a lot of smart things.
it's a lot easier to think when you turn your brain off

I still think Kalph is awesome.
i admire his tank skills

I'm not listening to  10 year old going around spamming "monday". These spergs needed to stop jerking each other off. This isn't some corrupt government. They broke the rules and got banned. They still show up and break the rules again and cry about how they should be able to break the rules and get away with it. Pacnet needs a serious reality check. These guys are all dangerously insane.

I tried to converse with them but they just wouldn't stop damage controlling

From Pacnet's "BADDY IS A MONE WHORE" standpoint, I'd like to say that most of those guys are being absurdly unrealistic. The point of a business is to maximize profits. Be damned if he tries to make the most money out of something worth paying for. Spreading audience via Steam? More profit. Sales? More profit. Letting users rejoin the community after getting a ban by getting another key? Profit (you don't have to return, but you probably damn well deserved the ban in the first place, you should leave or wait it off and grow up). They think that this game should stay a tiny little community. It's kind of being hipster; let the game be obscvre as fvck. Talking about growing up, they need to take their heads out of their collective asses and look at the real world.

I also find it side bustingly hilarious that people at least 10 years younger than Baddy are trying to tell him how to do business.
« Last Edit: April 03, 2014, 12:39:14 AM by ShadowsfeaR »

banning problem users is also beneficial to the community
I like to study sociology and psychology. I feel that Badspot isn't handling this situation correctly/carefully.
Since Badspot is not trying to correct the problems and he's just isolating the problem users; think about how Germany was before they became national socialists. Pre-national socialist-Germany was an isolated country that everyone hated.

What is happening right now is that Badspot is isolating a group of people who will become more powerful as a society than just as individuals. Those people were banned as individuals; now isolated from this community, they have founded their own new community.

A good way to prevent this from happening is to give them hope. How? Well I don't know, I am not experienced enough in psychology to know how to manipulate a person's hope. I have a small idea, but it's against Badspot's ideals. Ya know... cause Badspot believes that nobody changes and we are all stuck at the maturity age we started at when we first got this game.

When I first got this game I was like 11 years old. I was so immature in this community at one point, but I've changed. I am about to start attending college this year.
So I believe that I am living proof that people can change.

But that doesn't mean that the people that have been outcast-ed have a chance for changing their ways. They don't have to change, because they have their own group and they are accepted there. Also I am not saying that they deserve our love, and that they have not done anything terrible. Because they have... and they don't deserve anything for it.
I am not saying something bad for sure is going to happen. But I am trying to make the point that a group of outcasts is worst than a single outcast.
« Last Edit: April 03, 2014, 09:37:05 AM by Aduioa »

From what I can see, it's pretty obvious that they complain about being harassed and insulted when they themselves have harassed and insulted others.
Don't expect respect if you don't give any. Right now, them making a Blockland hate subreddit and posting stuff on it isn't necessarily respectful.

If they felt harassed enough or insulted, they would have left the community altogether by now.
It's not that hard to just come back and ignore hate and continue posting or playing the game ordinarily.
They complain about being banned from servers but they don't have the patience to let it die on its own and feel as if they need to do something to fix it.

Well I can guess they will read this post so hear me out and listen carefully. You aren't fixing this. You are making it worse. To truly fix it you can leave, because if you feel uncomfortable and feel harassed, that's the best option. Now if you feel you can change, just simply be patient and if you ignore the hate then it will stop on its own.

TL;DR: They brought this upon themselves and they can fix it. But right now, posting stuff on a subreddit is getting them nowhere. It's not helping them fit into this community.

I posted on the subreddit with a variation of this.
I'm interested in seeing their replies.
« Last Edit: April 03, 2014, 01:17:53 PM by Nobot »

Lmao he made a whole new thread direct at me. I'm going to just disregard the whole thing because he is an absolute moron as I explained and many others did too.
Also I would like to mention that before he claimed to not be a part of the community and never want to but regularly browses the forums and acts as if he is part of it. Never wants to leave, goes around giving bad reviews to the game because he threw a tantrum fit at the owner and so on. This guy needs to make his mind up lol.
I don't know whether to call desperate trolling or absolute insanity. Could be both.


lol they keep replying on my post

So apparently a majority of them don't want to conform back into Blockland's community, yet, they still complain about bans they receive on servers when they play the game

logic -1/10

hey yeah, someone should gather an ID list of all those crabby reddit guys, and allllll known ids they have.
and post it here for a handy dandy black list :D