Author Topic: IT ISN'T DONATOR.  (Read 1735 times)

I can easily bite my tongue with my other teeth

Well then you're actually trying which makes you a masochist.


I saw a "donator" tag in the bedroom age of boss battles
Haven't played since then so I don't know if it still has that

I saw a "donator" tag in the bedroom age of boss battles
Haven't played since then so I don't know if it still has that

donators donors have a ribbon next to their username and their username is changed to green

Or people getting brown town over a magazine being called a clip

I thought people only said that to mock bush

thought that was reagan

i can't find this one .gif, but it seems relevant now.

It shows some guy sitting at what seems like a talkshow and he looks like he's ranting while the text appears;

"IT'S GIF NOT JIF. GRAPHICAL INTERCHANGE FORMAT. IT'S NOT A PEANUT BUTTER. I don't care what the creator of it says, he's a loving programmer, NOT A LINGUIST."

jif is correct.

thought that was reagan
you would be wrong

everyone I know doesn't say it like jif

jif sounds stupid as forget

i say giff

jiff is a 'tarded way of saying it

jif is correct.

I prefer pronouncing gif with a hard G because it stands for Graphics Interchange Format.
Apparently it's supposed to be pronounced with a soft G, but I don't really care 'cause it's a habit I'm not changing since it makes more sense to me.