Finish the above user's sentence.

Author Topic: Finish the above user's sentence.  (Read 2899 times)

have a bible study group, and search for missionary projects they can do, because...

they are people of God.

All of a sudden a dragon comes into town.

and gets a Big Mac from a local Burger King

... and rubs it on his nipple to make it ...

into a Whopper from Mcdonalds.

Whenever I travel to Aperture Science, I...

... always take my trusty portal gun with me because ...

I'll end up killing GLaDOS anyways.


sucked my robot richard once...

it was a strange experience. Speaking of strange experiences,

it was a strange experience. Speaking of strange experiences,

Bernanerz are...
« Last Edit: April 04, 2014, 11:03:23 PM by Dragonslayer182 »

404 sentence not found

When somebody forgets to post a sentence,

*forgets to post a sentence*


When someone named Wink does not post a sentence nor a reply,