Author Topic: Left 4 Dead 2 Weapons  (Read 10470 times)

We Need Theese Guns


Raw Power

FN Scar
3 Round Burst To Conserve Ammo

EDIT: Forgot Military Sniper

We Need These Guns - No you don't, and here's why:

M16 - This is a generic gun and can be found easily by doing a quick .
Versatile - have you ever seen an actual M16 in action

AK47 - This is a generic gun and can be found easily by doing a quick .
Raw Power

FN Scar - This is a generic gun and can be found easily by doing a quick .
3 Round Burst To Conserve Ammo - do you even know what conserve means?

EDIT: Forgot Military Sniper - You know both the T+T and H&K packs carry several variations of these, right?

i doubt he wants to mix weapon packs
yeah itd be better if they were all in the same style i'd think

How do you guys know he wont make those

just be patient for goodness sake

I like the hunting rifle and the uzis but the shotguns are too short in my opinion,also are you making the ARs and gnome chompski?
They look all great. He wants the style like that,and we like them.

yeah itd be better if they were all in the same style i'd think

The Reason Why, I haven't made the Other weps Yet is Because, I'm waiting to Sell this Computer Very Soon, So I can buy a new one and Start working on them again