Author Topic: Freinds and other people can't join server....  (Read 3300 times)

Hey,this is another topic and it's another hosting problem...the thing here is that i finally did my own server and I told my friend to come,but when he tried to join,he said it couldn't,I said what shows up and said it was connecting to the IP only. So please help because I somehow could be able to let players join but now not...

We're gonna need more detail than that.  What settings did you have set?  Did you forward your ports?  If so, how?  Are you using an external hosting service?

Also, there are spaces after commas.  Always.

Continuing, what OS do you have?  What type of account are you running Blockland from (Guest, Normal or Administrator)?  Have you made sure to let Blockland have full access through your firewall?  Have you allowed Steam full access through your firewall if you are running Blockland through Steam?

If your country has blocked internet site or connection access, have you checked if Blockland is or is not blocked?  (Pfft)


 I didn't forward ports, also...external hosting device? Sorry, I've never hosted longer than 10 days and I've been absent for a year.....but I'm using an iMac Early 2008 10.8.5 Mountain Lion, Normal, I don't have any antivirus programs....and I'm not on the Steam has not blocked off BL access, I hosted before and with players, but now my friend said only the IP showed up... anything else? (Lol suspensive periods spams)

Still haven't found any way to fix!

Find your router in that list, click on it.

Scroll down to the B section and click Blockland (If it isn't there, most other entries will work the same way. Just make sure you're forwarding ports 28000 to about 28100.)

Depending on your router, you'll either be adding a new profile, or you'll simply add a firewall rule. In either case, simply work through what makes sense and make the firewall allow access to ports 28000 to 28100 on TCP and UDP. Make sure the profile/rule is active after you make it.

Find your router in that list, click on it.

Scroll down to the B section and click Blockland (If it isn't there, most other entries will work the same way. Just make sure you're forwarding ports 28000 to about 28100.)

Depending on your router, you'll either be adding a new profile, or you'll simply add a firewall rule. In either case, simply work through what makes sense and make the firewall allow access to ports 28000 to 28100 on TCP and UDP. Make sure the profile/rule is active after you make it.
can't edit, but it's worth noting that I pasted the wrong URL

I'm using an iMac Early 2008 10.8.5 Mountain Lion
Uhh....I don't know how to do it if I'm on Mac,and CrazyGoodDude's tut didn't work for me...

K....I got it but now I am stuck in the Configure part cus it shows this up and there's no configure button.

That isn't how it works. To log into your router, you need to open a web-browser (Safari/Firefox/Chrome) and type into the address bar. The steps won't be any different on a mac. Look here again:

It's just that i have a doubt...Once again i'll say it... I could host and players were able to they're D:

It's just that i have a doubt...Once again i'll say it... I could host and players were able to they're D:
You won't fix anything by not trying.

What doesn't? Are you able to log into the router? Does nothing happen when you type into the address bar?