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Author Topic: Doctor Who In Blockland Series 1  (Read 1838 times)

Its true. You know im sad now. You all make me sad. Everyone dislikes. Everyone forgetS WITH ME. Then they start insulting my recording, They dont loving undertstand the JUMP was a signal for them to say their  script.
Hey, I'm defending you as a person. Not your video. Never use a cue that people can see. We're not loving with you, we're being honest. We understand that the jump was a signal but that's not what you're supposed to do. We're not insulting the video, we're criticizing it.

okay sorry red, i was a bit harsh

just put a little more effort into next time friend
Ok like I am a pro at video editing :-P I cant improve quality.

Hey, I'm defending you as a person. Not your video. Never use a cue that people can see. We're not loving with you, we're being honest. We understand that the jump was a signal but that's not what you're supposed to do. We're not insulting the video, we're criticizing it.
Leave me alone then.

I cant improve quality.
Yes you can! Get better editing software! Try editing more! Read the criticism! I have a feeling you're understanding it as this:

Someone: The acting sucks.


But that's not what you should think. You should think:

You: Okay, so the acting sucked. I spent a lot of time, but maybe I should see what I could do better to improve it.

Criticism is not an insult, it's a way of improving. Never defend your video. It shouldn't need defending because it should be good enough so you don't have to. If you're defending your video it means there was something you have to defend. Don't defend it, fix it!

Leave me alone then.
Don't post videos if you don't want comments on it.
Another thing: Pessimism is good in art. That way, if people don't like it, you won't be mad, but you'll be happy if you get positive feedback.
« Last Edit: April 10, 2014, 07:59:19 PM by TristanLuigi »

You should learn from other videos before trying something like this, it always ends bad.
Just look at the posts from other forumers, pure trash.

Keep trying and learn from others to add to your success.

The only nice one! Tears of joy!!!
I...um...wasn't being all that serious.