
What should I add?

New Time Vortex Intro

Author Topic: Doctor Who In Blockland Series 1  (Read 1843 times)

Screw your act!

and screw your acting

this video is low quality, here are some suggestions for making it better-

use voice acting instead of text, i didnt even know that was the dialogue until later in the video

don't use ACM city, at least build a small scene

the intro is too long

forget you man, seriously.
Why? For giving criticism? It's really hard to be constructive if, like, everything is bad about it. The camerawork looks like the camera was being operated by some random guy who keeps pacing around; that's not how filming works. The crew is supposed to disappear - which it sure as hell doesn't when people are saying "record!" You do that stuff before you hit record! The editing is... well, what editing? It's just minimal, badly timed cuts. The save is default, and the plot is: The Doctor walks around, saying generic lines every 30 seconds for 3 minutes before hopping on a car, typing for 10 seconds, and climbing on a building. No action. No plot. No nothing. Just wandering. There IS no music or sound effects to comment on. It's just silent. What is this, the 1890s? The intro is just horrid. It's a TARDIS spinning in place with stuffty stock text. Where's the vortex? Where's the space? Why is it on top of the default Blockland concrete? I was able to make this Doctor Who intro for a grand total of $0, 1 hour, and Sony Movie Studio (which is quite cheap) - and I have no kind of editing education. It's not great, but it's gold-plated diamond compared to this! On the topic of editing, why is it a 1:1 ratio? What kind of video is A 1:1 RATIO? In fact, the beginning is even lower! It's skinnier than it is high! The letterboxing is really quite bad. The framerate is also not that great, but I understand that not everyone has a good enough computer. The acting is also mediocre but there's only so much you can do with Blockland. Finally, why is it nothing like Doctor Who? It doesn't have any Doctor Who elements except a forced line about Time Lords. Why would any Time Lord go to 1970 Afghanistan? What Time Lord would care? Of course none have been there! The lines don't sound like the Doctor, they sound like a teenager. No Silence, Daleks, Cybermen, Slitheen, not even the Sonic Screwdriver. But without a plot, I guess it doesn't matter.

Overall, I'm sorry I have to be so harsh. But that's how criticisms work. You make a crappy video, you get crappy comments. I don't want to crush your hopes, though. Keep trying. You'll get better. We don't hate you, we just don't like your work - and we're not sugar-coating it. If you want to get good, you have to take criticism. If you don't want it, don't post videos.
« Last Edit: April 10, 2014, 07:44:37 PM by TristanLuigi »

It was just a project! Everyone hates me for making it! Do you hate me?
I was defending you. I regret that now.

and screw your acting

this video is low quality, here are some suggestions for making it better-

use voice acting instead of text, i didnt even know that was the dialogue until later in the video

don't use ACM city, at least build a small scene

the intro is too long

and screw your acting

this video is low quality, here are some suggestions for making it better-

use voice acting instead of text, i didnt even know that was the dialogue until later in the video

don't use ACM city, at least build a small scene

the intro is too long
I dont act idiot. I record and edit! SO SCREW YOU!!!
« Last Edit: April 10, 2014, 07:44:31 PM by CrazyRedMan »


brother is this a copy pasta

because that stuff was amazing

Crazy, take the criticism. I explained it a bit more in my last post. It's harsh, it sucks, it makes you feel bad, but you have to deal with it. You do get better, and you can't give up. But understand that we're not here to talk about rainbows, we're here to watch the video and post what we think. And we did.

brother is this a copy pasta

because that stuff was amazing
Nope, wrote it all.

SO forget YOU!!!!
This is the worst response a creator can give to criticism.

tristan you're literally trying to reason with a sentient pile of diarrhea

just dont even try to get this kid to understand

tristan you're literally trying to reason with a sentient pile of diarrhea

just dont even try to get this kid to understand
Don't be an ass. Remember this might be some of his first experience and you can imagine he hates these kind of comments. There's a person behind that screen with feelings too. Granted, he's taking criticism horribly and needs to accept that his video was not a masterpiece,  but that's no reason to insult him.
« Last Edit: April 10, 2014, 07:49:04 PM by TristanLuigi »

Don't be an ass. Remember this might be some of his first experience and you can imagine he hates these kind of comments. There's a person behind that screen with feelings too.
Its true. You know im sad now. You all make me sad. Everyone dislikes. Everyone forgetS WITH ME. Then they start insulting my recording, They dont loving undertstand the JUMP was a signal for them to say their  script.

Don't be an ass. Remember this might be some of his first experience and you can imagine he hates these kind of comments. There's a person behind that screen with feelings too. Granted, he's taking criticism horribly and needs to accept that his video was not a masterpiece,  but that's no reason to insult him.

okay sorry red, i was a bit harsh

just put a little more effort into next time friend