Author Topic: the forum waiting room  (Read 87540 times)

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Ok I jumped from the first page to the last
What sorts of series of events HAPPENED?!

Ok I jumped from the first page to the last
What sorts of series of events HAPPENED?!
The hospital flooded then we went to the moon for some reason because of sharks and then national socialists and aliens showed up and then the communists got involved and fast forward a few pages the hospital went to space for a bit and we went through several bunkers

and now we're having some weird alternate universe bullstuff thing that confuses me to no end

The hospital flooded then we went to the moon for some reason because of sharks and then national socialists and aliens showed up and then the communists got involved and fast forward a few pages the hospital went to space for a bit and we went through several bunkers

and now we're having some weird alternate universe bullstuff thing that confuses me to no end
and i corrupted the universe

The hospital flooded then we went to the moon for some reason because of sharks and then national socialists and aliens showed up and then the communists got involved and fast forward a few pages the hospital went to space for a bit and we went through several bunkers

and now we're having some weird alternate universe bullstuff thing that confuses me to no end
Only on the blockland forums

no what are you doing
you know the universe only runs on VHS