Author Topic: Decals missing after I transferred to steam  (Read 1983 times)

Basically I transferred my account and got all my data onto steam and all the decals are gone I go to the avatar editor there is no faces to select etc, I have tried deleting my cache.db and didn't work and then I opened my original blockland launcher and the problem is now on there too.

Go to your Add-Ons folder
This should be C:\Users\[your username]\Documents\Add-Ons unless you chose another directory during installation

See the files here? These are decals (the ones you put on the front of your player's body). Some people have mods so don't panic if you don't see the exact same files as in the image
Right click them, click "Copy", then...

Go to C:\Program Files (86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Blockland\Add-ons. Click on OS (C:), find Program Files (x86) and so on. Refer to the above picture as needed :)

After you're done with that, do the same to the faces

And you're done :)

This is just assuming you have Windows. If you're a mac user I can't help you there


Thanks for your help I am on a mac but I know all the directories and stuff like that, I am not at my computer atm but earlier it seemed like they both had the decals but I'm not sure I will not be at my IMac till sunday but I will definetly try this out. :)

Blockland (on Mac) on steam have problems beyond our reach. Just use the non-steam version.

Blockland (on Mac) on steam have problems beyond our reach. Just use the non-steam version.

The problem with that is the problem is also on my nonsteam version now for some reason..

The problem with that is the problem is also on my nonsteam version now for some reason..

Ok, so what else changed on your system? Any recent updates?

Ok, so what else changed on your system? Any recent updates?

Well no recent updates, I mean last year I installed mavericks but that shouldn't hardly matter now, although I still have rtb installed on my nonsteam version if that matters. Something might've messed up while I was copy and pasting my files but I did nothing with my add-ons although there is something I did in prefs.cs that I should most likely get rid of,

But it was only to do with the resolution so I am not sure how it is on the nonsteam version to be entirely honest.

So did you import any steam stuff onto the nonsteam version?

So did you import any steam stuff onto the nonsteam version?

No I just imported non-steam things onto the steam version.

To Bloukface, it didn't work the files are already in both ones, and I tried unzipping and it didn't work.

Should I post my console.log?

go ahead and post console.log

Here it is