Author Topic: RTB's Addons help  (Read 688 times)

Hello,i'm Razgriz.
i've found a rtb forum proxy,and i've downloaded plenty addons from it,the problem is:
the addons are not working.
i've putted them in the "addons" folder,and only the "game modes" are "working" (they cannot work,they need some addons that i have,but for some reason they won't show up when i select Custom)

here's a screenshot of the addons:

a screens of the addons in the addons folder:

Another Screenshot:

and when i select "custom" i don't see the addons that i have in the folder,i mean,the one that i've downloaded.

Remove the 4 random numbers and letters from the end of the add-on name. Done.

Remove the 4 random numbers and letters from the end of the add-on name. Done.
If this doesn't work try extracting the folders instead of plopping the ZIPs in there.
Sometimes ZIPs don't work for add-ons. Or at least to my conclusion.

who's proxy did you dl this from? i'll check to see if it isn't my proxy that's creating the extra four characters at the end of it

who's proxy did you dl this from? i'll check to see if it isn't my proxy that's creating the extra four characters at the end of it

this is my proxy:

Remove the 4 random numbers and letters from the end of the add-on name. Done.
I'm trying,i'll edit this post when i finish.

EDIT: Now they work,thanks a lot to everyone :)
« Last Edit: April 12, 2014, 09:56:31 AM by Razgriz »

plopping the ZIPs in there.
i always do that and mine work