Author Topic: Annie's Medieval RP Unfair Ban  (Read 6705 times)

Who plays on annies anyways? Its pretty much a medieval build, I've never seen anyone rp on that server, and the addons there are kinda weird, not really a veteran roleplayer experience I'd say.
that's nonsense i'm there all the time and it's usually broken spool-up

You were power-RPing/godmodding/whateveryoucallit.

This is why you can't have linear rules for a roleplay server, there's always the idiot admin that comes along and misinterprets the rules so he can fuel his power trip.

So let's say Plebian would have given the person he robbed a *~chance~*, nine out of ten times the player being robbed is going to claim the attempt failed or complain until he gets his way. This is because nobody wants to be loving robbed. This is obvious.

It pisses me off when people like you try to host roleplay servers and completely alienate your players with your stuffty rules. You're hosting and/or moderating a server for the players, not trying to find excuses to ban them.

I totally agree, whenever people actually die, they use some mystically power to come back to life. I'm totally fine with my char dying as long as I haven't developed him/her too much, and if I do die, I come back as a different char with nothing to do with my last. Whenever I host RP servers, I make a slayer minigame, so people can actually.. you know, kill eachother instead of WOOSH UR BEEING STABBED WHOOSH
"What the forget, can't we actually kill eachother?"
Then why are you even playing here?  Honestly, if you don't like it, you're not forced to play on the server.

This is RP servers in a nutshell.

1> "Puts 2 in a headlock."
2> "Gets out of headlock."
1> "Wtf, you can't just 'get out' of a headlock!  Admin do something!"
3Admin> "It's not that big of a deal."
1> (Angry)


1> "Tries to steal from 2"
1> (Successfully steals from 2)
2> "Hey, that's not fair!"
3Admin> (Bans 1)

Rules can't be linear to limit certain events, nor fluid to be open to Admin interpretation.

Also this "Writing a story stuff is BS, even if there was a ROG with resources and stuff, and there was a rule " You are required to roleplay your actions.", it would still work, and be much more exciting, and above all, you could ban people for not RPing, satisfy most of both worlds, and have fairness while writing a story.  No one can become the "all-powerful" unless they earn it.

Also this "Writing a story" stuff is BS.  If there was a RPG with resources and stuff, and there was a rule " You are required to roleplay your actions.", it would still work, and be much more exciting, and above all, you could ban people for not RPing, satisfy most of both worlds, and have fairness while writing a story.  No one can become the "all-powerful" unless they earn it.

This is why you can't have linear rules for a roleplay server, there's always the idiot admin that comes along and misinterprets the rules so he can fuel his power trip.

So let's say Plebian would have given the person he robbed a *~chance~*, nine out of ten times the player being robbed is going to claim the attempt failed or complain until he gets his way. This is because nobody wants to be loving robbed. This is obvious.

It pisses me off when people like you try to host roleplay servers and completely alienate your players with your stuffty rules. You're hosting and/or moderating a server for the players, not trying to find excuses to ban them.
How the hell am I fueling a power trip?

The issue here is that Plebian DIDN'T give them a chance. Had he given them a chance, he could have gotten away with something. iirc we had several thievery things that succeeded over the past week or two, with people actually legitimately permitting reaction chance and victims accepting their logical inability to prevent it, with the consequences of that thievery playing out in-rp. As long as you do it right, it's not an issue.
Yes, nine times out of ten the theft will fail. Pickpocketing without being noticed is loving hard. That's why we don't need a quarter of our population to consist of thieves.
Also note that if the thief does a very good job of covering his bases while still following all the rules, and the victim still keeps on complaining or giving stuff about how he "saw it coming", said victim might very well get a short ban for godmodding. It hasn't actually come up yet; people have generally been good sports about the few decent thief RPers that we've had.

This is RP servers in a nutshell.

1> "Puts 2 in a headlock."
2> "Gets out of headlock."
1> "Wtf, you can't just 'get out' of a headlock!  Admin do something!"
3Admin> "It's not that big of a deal."
1> (Angry)


1> "Tries to steal from 2"
1> (Successfully steals from 2)
2> "Hey, that's not fair!"
3Admin> (Bans 1)

Rules can't be linear to limit certain events, nor fluid to be open to Admin interpretation.
Except what are they then? You've just contradicted yourself.
Great strawman there dude. The situations go more like:
1 > "attempts to stealthily sneak up behind 2 and surprise-attack by putting him in a headlock"
2 > ""WHAT THE- LEMME GO!" attempts to struggle his way out of headlock"
1 > "Holds on tighter, doing his best to restrain 2"
2 > "swings his leg back, hitting 1 in the crotch with his heel"
1 > ""AAAGGGHH" stumbles back, releasing 2"
Note that in your example, 1 would have violated the "permit time to respond" rule on his first action. Had he succeeded anyway even with the response, and 2 tried to just say "gets out of headlock", 2 would be told to elaborate on how exactly he gets out of a headlock.
1 > "Slips up behind 2, tiptoeing across the carpet as silently as possible, trying to remain unnoticed."
2 > "doesn't hear 1 approach, continues doing whatever it was he was doing"
1 > "Reaches out, attempting to slip something out of 2's pocket without disturbing anything"
2 (situation A) > "Still continues his work, oblivious to the theft of one of his gold coins"
1 (situation A) > "Silently exits the same way he came, sneaking back out onto the street"
2 (situation B) > "Feels a slight shift in the contents of his pocket, and instinctively attempts to adjust it, putting his hand right over that of the thief."

In your second example, 2 should have had an opportunity to do something in between 1's two actions. Furthermore, 1 should most definitely have elaborated on what exactly he was doing; there are many ways to try to steal something, and if you're not specific, you risk people assuming you're doing something (usually something not thought out) that you're not.
Also this "Writing a story" stuff is BS.  If there was a RPG with resources and stuff, and there was a rule " You are required to roleplay your actions.", it would still work, and be much more exciting, and above all, you could ban people for not RPing, satisfy most of both worlds, and have fairness while writing a story.  No one can become the "all-powerful" unless they earn it.
Keyword: IF
See, so far no RPG of any sort has actually been flexible enough to hold all the particular situations we've found ourselves in. RPGs so restricted in terms of gameplay will never be a part of the server. If you want to code the most comprehensive RPG ever with systems for handling every single action and systems for adding more actions while the server is up and running, be my guest, maybe we'll use it.

The case O was involved in was more like this:
1: sneaking into a random room and starts digging through a drawer.
2: Suddenly decides to return to her room
1: Finds a few gold coins. "This will do for now"
2: Enters the room. "What do you think you are doing you filthy thief?!" Suddenly holding a spear pointed at 1's chest
1: "Look... We can solve this without fighting. I'll just find a different way to earn gold" Puts the gold back on the table.
2: "I dont care. I still wanna kill you."
1: "You wanna do it the hard way then..." Throws a book at 2 and dashes for the door
2: Trips 1 with her spear and points it on his throat.
1: Pushes the spear away and runs for the stairs, tripping on the few last steps and injuring left elbow.
2: You cant do that! You would have torn your throat apart if you just try to move with a spear on your throat!
3 (Admin): He could have just pushed the spear away with his hands.
1: Yeah thats what I did... I did get a scratch on my arm from the spearhead.
2: Fine.
After that, I run into another admin outside the inn and we have a short OOC discussion about me being a thief and DURING this discussion, 2 decides to show up and suddenly has caught up with me, while I wasn't even RPing
1: "I really hate people like you... Do you think killing a single thief will change anything?"
2: "It will!" Suddenly charging some dragon magic attack, which can't be blocked.
1: Pulls out a sword with a dragon-shape carved in it's blade and blocks the small blue fireball
3: Don't godmode (or something like that. The conversation was cut short because I had to leave.)

So basically, it was fine for the other guy to have unblockable magic, but not for me to have a sword powerful enough to block it...

EDIT: the case I was involved in.

God this iPad keyboard...

The case O was involved in was more like this:
1: sneaking into a random room and starts digging through a drawer.
2: Suddenly decides to return to her room
1: Finds a few gold coins. "This will do for now"
2: Enters the room. "What do you think you are doing you filthy thief?!" Suddenly holding a spear pointed at 1's chest
1: "Look... We can solve this without fighting. I'll just find a different way to earn gold" Puts the gold back on the table.
2: "I dont care. I still wanna kill you."
1: "You wanna do it the hard way then..." Throws a book at 2 and dashes for the door
2: Trips 1 with her spear and points it on his throat.
1: Pushes the spear away and runs for the stairs, tripping on the few last steps and injuring left elbow.
2: You cant do that! You would have torn your throat apart if you just try to move with a spear on your throat!
3 (Admin): He could have just pushed the spear away with his hands.
1: Yeah thats what I did... I did get a scratch on my arm from the spearhead.
2: Fine.
After that, I run into another admin outside the inn and we have a short OOC discussion about me being a thief and DURING this discussion, 2 decides to show up and suddenly has caught up with me, while I wasn't even RPing
1: "I really hate people like you... Do you think killing a single thief will change anything?"
2: "It will!" Suddenly charging some dragon magic attack, which can't be blocked.
1: Pulls out a sword with a dragon-shape carved in it's blade and blocks the small blue fireball
3: Don't godmode (or something like that. The conversation was cut short because I had to leave.)

So basically, it was fine for the other guy to have unblockable magic, but not for me to have a sword powerful enough to block it...
Again, I was not on the server at the time, and I honestly don't know what happened there. If you could provide the names of the admins involved that would help immensely.

Again, I was not on the server at the time, and I honestly don't know what happened there. If you could provide the names of the admins involved that would help immensely.
I would if I remember them... I do remember you being on moments before this happened. You and the other SA were talking about something related to checking wether someone has actually read all the rules.
I think the spear dragon magic lady was an admin too.

I would if I remember them... I do remember you being on moments before this happened. You and the other SA were talking about something related to checking wether someone has actually read all the rules.
I think the spear dragon magic lady was an admin too.
Spear dragon magic lady? Damnit, that was probably FrozenXx, given the spear. I'll talk to her about it. If she was in human form she shouldn't have been able to attack you like that because blue dragon fire is a blatantly obvious giveaway as to the character's true nature. I'm pretty sure it won't happen again, although to be fair, they probably lock the doors to the upstairs rooms when people are out and about.
...We really need to actually figure out how to make a functional locking mechanic.
Here is the admin team aside from me as I know it. Annie herself, FrozenXx, Glooper, Lotus, Toxic Squid, Bsc, Gasleavitt, Arkenov, 3 Admin Server 3, and ShadowExecuter. To be honest, 3 and Shadow dink around so much they should have been de-adminned long ago, but I can't exactly control that.
We recently cleaned up the server a bit and nerfed some OP characters, particularly Arkenov's, FrozenXx's, and one of mine that was in a one-upmanship war with Arkenov's.
Checking if someone read the rules... that sounds like Chromomania's attempt to add VCE to the rules room or something. He's not an admin at all just fyi.
What's your normal ingame name (not character name)? I can see if you're unbanned next time the server comes up.

Noedit: Cysero is also an admin, but he doesn't show up much.

You admins seem to complain a lot about 'bad RPers.' This is clearly a server revolving around the existing circlejerk of characters so why not just password it and have people pm you a short 2 page application about their character and RP qualifications if they want to join? Due to the overwhelming amount of bad roleplayers, maybe you should consider branching out to a more like-minded audience.

spear dragon magic lady
If you'd like to meet people with similar 'original' character ideas (this isn't even my TRUE form!!!), try looking into some other communities. As you (bill) said, it's about writing a story. If so, why not try some great story writing communities like deviantart, second life,, and furaffinity. I'm sure you'll meet many people who also love writing about anthropomorphic OC characters creatures slapped in a fantasy pseudomedieval world. If you really want to roleplay and 'write a story', these are perfect places to do so!

How the hell am I fueling a power trip?

The issue here is that Plebian DIDN'T give them a chance. Had he given them a chance, he could have gotten away with something. iirc we had several thievery things that succeeded over the past week or two, with people actually legitimately permitting reaction chance and victims accepting their logical inability to prevent it, with the consequences of that thievery playing out in-rp. As long as you do it right, it's not an issue.
Yes, nine times out of ten the theft will fail. Pickpocketing without being noticed is loving hard. That's why we don't need a quarter of our population to consist of thieves.
Also note that if the thief does a very good job of covering his bases while still following all the rules, and the victim still keeps on complaining or giving stuff about how he "saw it coming", said victim might very well get a short ban for godmodding. It hasn't actually come up yet; people have generally been good sports about the few decent thief RPers that we've had.
Except what are they then? You've just contradicted yourself.
Great strawman there dude. The situations go more like:
1 > "attempts to stealthily sneak up behind 2 and surprise-attack by putting him in a headlock"
2 > ""WHAT THE- LEMME GO!" attempts to struggle his way out of headlock"
1 > "Holds on tighter, doing his best to restrain 2"
2 > "swings his leg back, hitting 1 in the crotch with his heel"
1 > ""AAAGGGHH" stumbles back, releasing 2"
Note that in your example, 1 would have violated the "permit time to respond" rule on his first action. Had he succeeded anyway even with the response, and 2 tried to just say "gets out of headlock", 2 would be told to elaborate on how exactly he gets out of a headlock.
1 > "Slips up behind 2, tiptoeing across the carpet as silently as possible, trying to remain unnoticed."
2 > "doesn't hear 1 approach, continues doing whatever it was he was doing"
1 > "Reaches out, attempting to slip something out of 2's pocket without disturbing anything"
2 (situation A) > "Still continues his work, oblivious to the theft of one of his gold coins"
1 (situation A) > "Silently exits the same way he came, sneaking back out onto the street"
2 (situation B) > "Feels a slight shift in the contents of his pocket, and instinctively attempts to adjust it, putting his hand right over that of the thief."
Not all situations are controllable.  The fact that players have to say to express makes little sense.

In your second example, 2 should have had an opportunity to do something in between 1's two actions. Furthermore, 1 should most definitely have elaborated on what exactly he was doing; there are many ways to try to steal something, and if you're not specific, you risk people assuming you're doing something (usually something not thought out) that you're not.Keyword: IF
See, so far no RPG of any sort has actually been flexible enough to hold all the particular situations we've found ourselves in. RPGs so restricted in terms of gameplay will never be a part of the server. If you want to code the most comprehensive RPG ever with systems for handling every single action and systems for adding more actions while the server is up and running, be my guest, maybe we'll use it.
I've done this a few years ago, and it got pretty popular with those who joined.  The only problem is that I had hosting problems, and therefore the servers would not let about 4/5 people join, thus it failed.  Now that I can host, I can do this.  However, I am in the middle of my floating islands project, so I won't.

You admins seem to complain a lot about 'bad RPers.' This is clearly a server revolving around the existing circlejerk of characters so why not just password it and have people pm you a short 2 page application about their character and RP qualifications if they want to join? Due to the overwhelming amount of bad roleplayers, maybe you should consider branching out to a more like-minded audience.
If you'd like to meet people with similar 'original' character ideas (this isn't even my TRUE form!!!), try looking into some other communities. As you (bill) said, it's about writing a story. If so, why not try some great story writing communities like deviantart, second life,, and furaffinity. I'm sure you'll meet many people who also love writing about anthropomorphic OC characters creatures slapped in a fantasy pseudomedieval world. If you really want to roleplay and 'write a story', these are perfect places to do so!
Except new characters can easily get in if they don't keep on loving up repeatedly, even if they have no backstory whatsoever. Steee actually has forgeted up repeatedly but he's persistently wedging his way in and working with it. Same with WhoIsJames.
We added "no polymorphing and no shapeshifters" to the rules because of this issue, though two exceptions were made for already-heavily-developed characters, although we probably shouldn't have. I didn't exactly have any say in that decision.
So in one post you've argued both for us to password everything and require heavy restrictions to join to keep out idiots while at the same time arguing for us to open up to communities that you consider undeniably scum.
You're really just being an starfish at this point.