Author Topic: Annie's Medieval RP Unfair Ban  (Read 6706 times)

I was playing a thief named Garrett Scythen on Annie's Medieval RP, so, when I found civilization, I pickpocketed someone. I think they might've been AFK, but right then I started running because a guy on a horse shouted "Thief!" and instead of running after me, he/Annie/someone banned me for: FailRP, attacking without an opportunity to dodge or encounter, and "ridiculous". How is this FailRP? I was playing a thief. That was my RP character. How was I supposed to know he/she was AFK, I had seen them walking around just a minute ago, and really, really? RIDICULOUS FOR PLAYING A THIEF? Okay. Seems legit.

garrett you only belong in cloudcat's.

you're supposed to say "attempted to", like "i aim at name, and shoots, in hopes to hit them." something like that, shoot to miss. you should have tried to say "attempted to pickpocket" with a little background on it, like a kind of chance thing.

garrett you only belong in cloudcat's.

you're supposed to say "attempted to", like "i aim at name, and shoots, in hopes to hit them." something like that, shoot to miss. you should have tried to say "attempted to pickpocket" with a little background on it, like a kind of chance thing.
well, that was still no reason to ban me for a week. over one mistake. a week.

I was the person who banned you. You were banned FOR AN HOUR. Here is why.
First of all, I was already a bit impatient with you after you refused to change your name away from Eragon (in violation of one of the server rules) until you were threatened by a super admin.
Thekid is completely right. You were power-RPing/godmodding/whateveryoucallit. You did not permit any response to it.
Furthermore, thieves generally don't last long because it's just a generally bad archetype. Same with assassins. There's a few really really good RPers who lasted a while, but the rest of them usually get banned for failing horribly.

garrett you only belong in cloudcat's.
how do you know my identity

Well, I wanted to check if it was okay with Annie, but I never knew I was threatened by a SA, I was just getting tired of waiting for Annie to answer. This was probably my stupidity, because my computer is horrible and I didn't know what was going on.
(Sorry for double post)

Here is a screenshot of the lower part of the banlist.

Note that Betelgeuse was banned for repeated spamming. Jitank was permabanned for trying to crash the server in the past but that ban was lost due to a server crash. FreeOwn and Global were the same person who pretended to be three different people. Shadss was permabanned for consistent idiocy and that ban was also lost due to a server crash. Buddy repeatedly connected and disconnected while saying "gaayyyyyy". Erwin was spamming the word "JUDEN" in chat and generally pretending to be a national socialist in that classic facechild-esque method actor trolling method.
Again: You were banned for ONE HOUR and you've already spent half of that time dealing with this drama.

-goddamn stop making me snip-
I apologize for my idiocy, this was my fault. Sorry, I'm fairly new to the new-er Medieval RP's, and it was really different since last time I had played on Annie's server.

i honestly hate RP. the whole "RP combat" is so dumb. "your turn to attack :)) woops i dodged it cause i said so :3 *turns into my TRUE wolf form* taste THIS!!!". it would be so much cooler if he actually dodged it, then actually transformed into a different form and there was actual combat going on. admins ban you when you attempt to do something that isn't drawn out and over dramatic.

*stabs in back*
"now wait you can't do that! you first have to have a considerable amount of dialog and thinking out loud so everyone knows you're about to try and kill someone. but even then it won't work because i'm an admin its not like im going to let my rp character be killed by a random player!"

I'd rather just play an RPG where players might choose to RP a bit. RP should be limited to basic things like telling a backstory about your character's family or showing character expression. This way, it can add depth and backstory to an RPG world. Players can hate each-other because of an RP backstory, but still duel in the actual game. It would be cool if I was known as a famous blacksmith because I actually made quality items for other players, or if I was called a dragonslayer because I actually slayed a dragon.

IMO, RP should be an addition to a solid, extensive RPG. RP shouldn't take the place of things that have an actual impact and important end result, such as combat, special ancient abilities, and thieving. That way, the "dragonslayer" is actually feared because he actually did was his title implies. He didn't just make it up. RP should serve as a way to give story and character to an RPG world, not take the place of the game.

i honestly hate RP. the whole "RP combat" is so dumb. "your turn to attack :)) woops i dodged it cause i said so :3 *turns into my TRUE wolf form* taste THIS!!!". it would be so much cooler if he actually dodged it, then actually transformed into a different form and there was actual combat going on. admins ban you when you attempt to do something that isn't drawn out and over dramatic.

*stabs in back*
"now wait you can't do that! you first have to have a considerable amount of dialog and thinking out loud so everyone knows you're about to try and kill someone. but even then it won't work because i'm an admin its not like im going to let my rp character be killed by a random player!"

I'd rather just play an RPG where players might choose to RP a bit. RP should be limited to basic things like telling a backstory about your character's family or showing character expression. This way, it can add depth and backstory to an RPG world. Players can hate each-other because of an RP backstory, but still duel in the actual game. It would be cool if I was known as a famous blacksmith because I actually made quality items for other players, or if I was called a dragonslayer because I actually slayed a dragon.

IMO, RP should be an addition to a solid, extensive RPG. RP shouldn't take the place of things that have an actual impact and important end result, such as combat, special ancient abilities, and thieving. That way, the "dragonslayer" is actually feared because he actually did was his title implies. He didn't just make it up. RP should serve as a way to give story and character to an RPG world, not take the place of the game.
Heed, this was never an RPG to begin with. It's designed for people having fun while still playing fair. No system of game mechanics could handle the stuff that goes on here, and it shouldn't need to. This server was not designed to be some award-winning mmo, Heed, and you need to realize that if it's good enough for the participants that's all that matters.
I personally hate RPG combat systems. Everything is based on power level and grinding and it fails to be fun after about the first five minutes. But that's just my opinion.
Furthermore, anyone who actually attempted to use your comment there would be banned for sheer idiocy.

Heed, this was never an RPG to begin with. It's designed for people having fun while still playing fair. No system of game mechanics could handle the stuff that goes on here, and it shouldn't need to. This server was not designed to be some award-winning mmo, Heed, and you need to realize that if it's good enough for the participants that's all that matters.
I personally hate RPG combat systems. Everything is based on power level and grinding and it fails to be fun after about the first five minutes. But that's just my opinion.
Furthermore, anyone who actually attempted to use your comment there would be banned for sheer idiocy.
Noedit: Furthermore, the RP is not designed to be anywhere near as combat-oriented as an RPG is. You don't need to go fighting and beating things up to solve all your problems.

-loving SNIP-
I totally agree, whenever people actually die, they use some mystically power to come back to life. I'm totally fine with my char dying as long as I haven't developed him/her too much, and if I do die, I come back as a different char with nothing to do with my last. Whenever I host RP servers, I make a slayer minigame, so people can actually.. you know, kill eachother instead of WOOSH UR BEEING STABBED WHOOSH
"What the forget, can't we actually kill eachother?"

imo if you stab someone in the back they wouldn't have a realistic chance of dodging the loving knife.

This sounds like crap. I think this sort of RP would work out with a dice mod though. So instead of having like a 100% chance of not doing whatever you tried to do because obviously the person's not going to just let you do it, you have an actual chance.