Author Topic: Return To Blockland support (IRC Chat)  (Read 64585 times)

Why was I IP-banned from the server? I did absolutely nothing wrong.
Why would you assume you are ip banned?

Why would you assume you are ip banned?

Force of habit. When you get banned as much as hammer-editor does you have to assume every failed connection is the result of a ban.

Force of habit. When you get banned as much as hammer-editor does you have to assume every failed connection is the result of a ban.
Whenever I restart BL the IRC window fails to connect, and when I manually re-activate the packages from the console it fails to connect.
I'd like to try connecting to the server with raw TCP. What's the hostname and port?

At the moment the service is down thank to two 961mb/s ddos attacks

At the moment the service is down thank to two 961mb/s ddos attacks

What the hell is wrong with this community?

This is going to sound really stupid...
But how do I open it up?
I always had my RTB to open with 'alt gr' but now its restored back to default I can't remember how to open it.
Shift + Tab

Shift + Tab
You first need to re-map the key for the Steam overlay.

What the hell is wrong with this community?

Yeah it's kind of sad to spend time and resources for the community and then get this.

Half an hour of joy and denial of service.

Thank you whoever you are.

are you able to get the IP ?

At the moment the service is down thank to two 961mb/s ddos attacks
This is loving bullstuff.
I would rant more here but I dont want to risk getting banned.

are you able to get the IP ?
DDoS = multiple computers
DoS = 1 computer

Why the forget do friend kids feel it necessary to DDoS everything for no loving reason?
Seriously, forget them the inbred little stuffs.

Is it possible to put this on media-fire?

DAProgs, if you are hosting on a linux server I may be able to help.