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  • Help wanted! I don't have time to work on Slayer. If you want bugfixes/features, lend a hand. Post in the thread if you're interested!
  • [2016/11/29] Slayer update released (p59). Lots of bug fixes.
  • [2016/12/23] Slayer update released (p60).
  • [2017/01/11] CTF updated! New events and more. (p60)

Author Topic: Slayer | New Bugfix Update  (Read 224679 times)

any idea on how to make a koth mode
Capture the points gamemode
Have 1 point somewhere and that’s it
Team who controlls point for x minutes wins

any idea on how to make a koth mode

See above ^ using the Territory gamemode.

Will there ever be a cops and robbers gamemode?

I won't be making it! I'm sure you can rig something up with the current events and gamemodes/options, though.

Assuming cops can't die, onMinigameDeath, move them to the team "captured." When someone frees the captured robbers, set them back to the normal team (zone events or possibly search events? I think search events is slightly broken though.)

Please post a console log.
Sorry for such a delay, but I think I found part of the problem:

Code: [Select]
Client checking Add-On: Gamemode_Slayer
Loading Add-On: Gamemode_Slayer
exec: invalid script file Add-Ons/Gamemode_Slayer/server/support/Support_ObjectTransf#1B20B66.cs.

This is what the console says when I start up my game.

edit: just to refresh your mind on the problem:
When I start a server with slayer enabled, the slayer mini game option doesn't show up in the mini-game menu. Help?
« Last Edit: December 16, 2017, 01:57:51 PM by Blockbyte! »

i'm totally stumped as to how you can have a syntax error but not anyone else... And what's with that filename? Do you have any clue? Is there actually a file with that name in that folder?

Do you have a copy of it as an unzipped folder? If so delete that.

Do you have a copy of it as an unzipped folder? If so delete that.

This is likely the problem.

Do you have a copy of it as an unzipped folder? If so delete that.
I do not

have you tried on a fresh install?

I do not

Please post your entire console log. The file, not a snippet.

aww i completely forgot about the christmas message again this year

aww i completely forgot about the christmas message again this year

the christmas message scared the stuff outa me