Author Topic: Epic Builds For v9  (Read 82209 times)

If you try loading that save on slate or something, if it loads in the sky, fly up and dupe it, if it doesn't load, nvm this post.

Here is my build it is called Crysta Castle. It has a dining room, kitchen, living room, and much more. It has a lot of empty rooms so you can add your own stuff to it.
 Here is the Link:

A pic is enlcosed here. (BTW the reason I didn't submit the bls here is because it is slightly too big)

Orange box
Thanks to all who helped.
This may be used to film movies and than place in a background, or simply to mess around with.

Don't mind the little dab of FX at the bottom, that was Bacon messing around with fill can right when I took a pic.


*note: Save is only of the original Orange Box, no modifications included.
Click Here for .bls file
« Last Edit: December 14, 2007, 04:48:19 PM by Vertzer »

@The Crysta Castle, what maps is it made on?
@The organe bow, Needs a new link, it wouldn't request the download.
« Last Edit: December 14, 2007, 05:45:08 PM by cuda007 »

@The Crysta Castle, what maps is it made on?
@The organe bow, Needs a new link, it wouldn't request the download.
Fixed, you're going to have to use IE to download or give me a better hoster.

I can try again.It works.
Try useing best sharing.
« Last Edit: December 14, 2007, 05:21:10 PM by cuda007 »

My map is on Slate. I used Grass Lands to take the pic.

Here is my build it is called Crysta Castle. It has a dining room, kitchen, living room, and much more. It has a lot of empty rooms so you can add your own stuff to it.
 Here is the Link:

A pic is enlcosed here. (BTW the reason I didn't submit the bls here is because it is slightly too big)
holy crud man that is cool

i took all of the lights out of it and loaded it in slate spooky and it is really cool

[edit]and just a question.  Is this castle suposed to be Midieval? or like a modern castle?
« Last Edit: December 15, 2007, 01:46:22 PM by jirue »

@The Crysta Castle, what maps is it made on?
@The organe bow, Needs a new link, it wouldn't request the download.
Fixed, you're going to have to use IE to download or give me a better hoster.

@The Crysta Castle, what maps is it made on?
@The organe bow, Needs a new link, it wouldn't request the download.
Fixed, you're going to have to use IE to download or give me a better hoster.
It was giving people errors for some reason.

I think people are just dumb, because I've never encountered any errors even when people say they've been getting them.

This is a hut i made in the demo Heres the save hut.bls

Sorry about the dubble post but heres more pics

I really don't know what I was going for, but it is a strange cross I guess between Medieval and Modern. As you can tell, there are a lot of empty rooms, which makes it possible to add lots of diffferent things. I realized that it would of been a better idea than just furnishing every room myself, making the possiblity of change take a lot more time.

@The Crysta Castle, what maps is it made on?
@The organe bow, Needs a new link, it wouldn't request the download.
Fixed, you're going to have to use IE to download or give me a better hoster.
It was giving people errors for some reason.
At least you don't have to install some crap to download something from it.