Author Topic: Why is this forum so hostile?  (Read 5628 times)

Alpha male here dosn't notice what you talking about.
beta scrub****

also i think the answer is hormones. lots of em.

People are intolerant of differences in others.

Emo Freak is a homoloveual. He is loveually perverted and living in sin. This is normal behavior for people who are loveually perverted.

well i'll be!!

Hardly anyone here is actually intolerant, in fact they'll hang out with damn well anybody regardless of gender, race or loveuality
« Last Edit: April 22, 2014, 10:47:53 PM by IkeTheGeneric »

I'm aware I'm wandering away from topic at hand, but this is directed at that Planr comment.

I'm not saying that I support homoloveuality, because as many people know, I'm quite against it.  You have to make allowances for people though.

this has been posted before but this basically sums up the forums and emo freak