Author Topic: downgrading to windows 7?  (Read 3335 times)

Windows 8 was so much faster when I upgraded. Not only that, the design took a while to get used to but it was worth it in the end! I absolutely love Windows future vision.
Even though I know it's faster I still can't tell if this is sarcasm or not

W8 starts up so fast

uh didn't you downgrade to windows 7 last year

Next windows better be like the old ones.

My new PC has windows 7 on its SSD, and starts up faster than my laptop running windoze 8. But that's more like fixing a software problem with a hardware problem soo... lol.

The major problem I have with windows 8 is that they attempted to make a cross platform interface for tablet integration. Which is fantastic for tablet users, terrible for desktop users. Windows 8 just loves to try to remind me that the desktop is just some application; splatting tons of annoying other ones at me in the processes. I literally have no use for anything that isn't running on the desktop, and I can't get rid of these stupid extra applications.

Windows 8.1 attempts to make windows 8 more PC and less tablet, but still maintains those problems. Also the last time I checked it was buggy as all hell; lots of extremely PC breaking glitches that my pal Nexus had the misfortune of experiencing while we were trying to play Civ5. Apparently in certain fullscreen games the processor goes up linearly to 100% CPU usage, until you alt tab, and it jumps back down to what it should be. Apparently after some google searching, this is a common issue. He downgraded back to 8.0 and the bug was gone. There were other extremely annoying things I remember him complaining about, but I didn't actually get to see them.

Windows 7 is refined and works exactly the way you would want and expect it to. If you have a problem with speed then buy faster hardware, adopt the age old practice of fixing software with hardware; it's worked so far and it'll work forever.

You can uninstall most of the apps in windows 8, but there are a few you can't, like Mail and Photos. You can easily get a different program for those and set the defaults to them, and then get a startmenu, and you basically have a faster windows 7. Except the look. But you can get themes.

I never knew so many people had issues with bugs in windows 8.1, it works perfectly for me.
« Last Edit: April 23, 2014, 12:00:15 PM by Georges »

App? You mean programs son.

App? You mean programs son.
No, I'm talking about the apps in the metro UI, I'm pretty sure they're called apps.

NVM, I see what you saying

Even though I know it's faster I still can't tell if this is sarcasm or not
Genuinely not any sarcasm in that post.

Tablets are just toys. They have limited uses such as web surfing, checking posts,  taking low quality pictures/video, and watching a video. I can't type up report, play non casual games such command and conquer, or do online home work.

It's foolish to make a Tablet OS for a desktop. A desktop is a truck, not a tiny corvette. The market has created an illusion where a device being slim, wireless, mobile, small and has a touch screen is some how infinitely better and futuristic than a large device.
« Last Edit: April 23, 2014, 12:12:10 PM by Harm94 »

It's not necessarily a downgrade :cookieMonster:

Tablets are just toys. They have limited uses such as web surfing, checking posts,  taking low quality pictures/video, and watching a video. I can't type up report, play non casual games such command and conquer, or do online home work.

It's foolish to make a Tablet OS for a desktop. A desktop is a truck, not a tiny corvette. The market has created an illusion where a device being slim, wireless, mobile, small and has a touch screen is some how infinitely better and futuristic than a large device.

Uhhh I do lots of my homework on my tablet. Not sure what you're talking about. It's pretty useful too considering I can work on it from anywhere when I'm not home and able to use a computer.

Windows 8 is nice though after you install a start menu. :(
I recently switched to 8.1 after using WIndows 7 forever and I'm really liking it.
Ignoring the lack of a start menu, Windows 8 is an unstable, unoptimized pile of stuff under the hood

W7 is a loving powerhouse, and nothing you can do to W8 will make it anything but a pile of stuff by comparison