Author Topic: Teaser - 1x1f  (Read 2385 times)

You should build an etch-a-sketch and draw something with 1x1f's in an animation

I suggest using transparent behind it as the trail
Nice idea.
You should build an etch-a-sketch and draw something with 1x1f's in an animation
That's pretty good, may use this in another video

Nice job so far. I like it.

Having to make each frame, also later there would be more stuff happening in the movie, so I would have to edit more bricks for each frame.

kinda off topic, but I remember a while back there was a video of these giant brick built people doing pushups and each frame was built.

kinda off topic, but I remember a while back there was a video of these giant brick built people doing pushups and each frame was built.
Yes, this:
I have no idea how that was done, or how long it took.