Music is my life, music is my friend, my only real friend anyway. I listen to it everyday and it shapes my thoughts and mind and makes me feel happy. It helped me through some tough times. When things between me and my family started to get worse I would listen to music and it would make me feel better about it, I would always be angry or irritable being bi polar didn't help either but listening to music cleared my mind and made me think about different things than just anger. It really helped me.
Sometimes I play it as white noise to make it feel like i'm around people instead of staying at home by myself . It really has changed my life. My dad hooked me on different music types when I was about 2 and it all started from there. It seemed strange to me that the albums I recognize the most and have nearly memorized every song came out around my birth. He played them over and over, all of it made me feel connected to my family and mostly my father for playing those around me and being with me when I was happy and talking to me about the different things in the song and taught me a little how to appreciate music because of its message and the words in it. Now that all those songs are in the past and the bands have gone into hiatus or just aren't as good as before I've started to get into different music types and its been interesting discovering all these new artists and bands. I eventually want to be a music artist myself but I have no way of even learning how to play anything or create stuff on my laptop. But I still love music