Author Topic: Explosion Shapes?  (Read 11380 times)

I'm trying to add a custom explosion shape but I'm having some issues.

If I try to spawn the explosion, well, my computer BSoDs. I'm pretty positive this is due to me having no clue what I'm doing/not knowing the rules regarding explosion shapes.

Do I need any special hierarchy/specific LODs in the DTS for an explosion shape?

What do I name the sequence I want to play whenever the explosion is spawned?


If I try to spawn the explosion, well, my computer BSoDs.
Are you actually serious here?

If yes you should post the shape and the related script

Are you actually serious here?

If yes you should post the shape and the related script
Yeah, I don't get it. Ever since I started working on the game again, my computer BSoDs under circumstances that would normally just crash the game (forgeted up code, crash(); in the console, displaying a corrupted DTS, etc).

I think it's a RAM issue because the same thing also happened when I tried doing a ridiculous subdivision in Blender and I always have a ridiculous amount of stuff open when I work, I DO only have 8GB

But anyways, here's the .blend, using Blender 2.49b and DTS exporter v0.97 Beta 3. This isn't complete and it's very basic, I literally just spawned a plane in blender and removed a vertex from it to test how it looked before I kept going

Here's the DTS I exported

It's not like the explosion code matters, but here it is anyways:

Code: [Select]
datablock ExplosionData(SLCZBoomExplosion)
   explosionShape = "./glare.dts";

   //particleEmitter = SLCZBoomEmitter;
   particleDensity = 100;
   particleRadius = 0.05;

   lifeTimeMS = 500;

   emitter[0] = "SLCZExplosionRingEmitter";
   emitter[1] = "";

   faceViewer     = true;
   explosionScale = "1 1 1";

   shakeCamera = true;
   camShakeFreq = "15.0 12.0 25.0";
   camShakeAmp = "10.0 35.0 10.0";
   camShakeDuration = 2;
   camShakeRadius = 100.0;

   // Dynamic light
   lightStartRadius = 5;
   lightEndRadius = 70;
   lightStartColor = "0.2 0.6 0.8 0.9";
   lightEndColor = "0.1 0.2 0.5 1";

   damageRadius = 0;
   radiusDamage = 0;

   impulseRadius = 0;
   impulseForce = 0;

   //uiname = "";

Okay, turns out the crash was due to a function in the weapon not being happy about me dynamically re-loading the add-on for tweaking

but the explosion shape isn't displaying for some reason

still cant figure it out

EDIT: Tried importing the .DTS in shaper and got an error:

"vector <T> too long"

then it cancels the import

other shapes import fine
« Last Edit: May 15, 2014, 01:01:31 AM by takato14 »

I thought the explosion shape just defined the area in which the explosion grows/happens, and is always invisible?

I thought the explosion shape just defined the area in which the explosion grows/happens, and is always invisible?
no, the explosion shape is a visual effect, its a shape that appears whenever a projectile explodes. look at the default rocket launcher's explosion, there's a sphere that rapidly gets larger then vanishes leaving a cloud of smoke (the emitter)

still cant make it work guys

god this board is slow

I'm sorry, I wish I could help... ;-;

hopes raised

then crushed
