Are you actually serious here?
If yes you should post the shape and the related script
Yeah, I don't get it. Ever since I started working on the game again, my computer BSoDs under circumstances that would normally just crash the game (forgeted up code, crash(); in the console, displaying a corrupted DTS, etc).
I think it's a RAM issue because the same thing also happened when I tried doing a ridiculous subdivision in Blender and I always have a ridiculous amount of stuff open when I work, I DO only have 8GB
But anyways, here's the .blend, using Blender 2.49b and DTS exporter v0.97 Beta 3. This isn't complete and it's very basic, I literally just spawned a plane in blender and removed a vertex from it to test how it looked before I kept going's the DTS I exported's not like the explosion code matters, but here it is anyways:
datablock ExplosionData(SLCZBoomExplosion)
explosionShape = "./glare.dts";
//particleEmitter = SLCZBoomEmitter;
particleDensity = 100;
particleRadius = 0.05;
lifeTimeMS = 500;
emitter[0] = "SLCZExplosionRingEmitter";
emitter[1] = "";
faceViewer = true;
explosionScale = "1 1 1";
shakeCamera = true;
camShakeFreq = "15.0 12.0 25.0";
camShakeAmp = "10.0 35.0 10.0";
camShakeDuration = 2;
camShakeRadius = 100.0;
// Dynamic light
lightStartRadius = 5;
lightEndRadius = 70;
lightStartColor = "0.2 0.6 0.8 0.9";
lightEndColor = "0.1 0.2 0.5 1";
damageRadius = 0;
radiusDamage = 0;
impulseRadius = 0;
impulseForce = 0;
//uiname = "";