Author Topic: New Weapon: Taser  (Read 10555 times)

Tazer's flatshaded. Don't worry, model-quality-control is all taken care of.

Are you gonna make the stun-gun?

YAY it finaly worked!!!

Are you gonna make the stun-gun?
already done by aloshi, dont look in addons look in i think Suggestions & Requests?


taser shoos 2 projectiles to stun the target..

OMFG pandaing hilarious! Watching ppl go flying and start twitching even when not in a mini! :D
fifty  :cookie:s for you my god sir, you perfected it!

Well its great but we already have stun gun, I know theres some difference but perhaps something that hasn't been relatedly introduced to Blockland next time. No offense 

No offense taken. The Taser is MADE from the original stungun code, which I got from Alo, and is being updated with the admin-only version today, thanks to Trader.

Just to say it one more time.

Don't Tase Me, Bro!

You need to pick a spelling of the word.  Both your code and your topic go back and forth between "Taser" and "Tazer".

The taser doesn't put people for me in jail on cops & robbers.

why do you need AA battery's?


but yeah a tazors a good idea. something a little bit harder to make though that would be less anoying when n00bs shoot you would be a tazor-proof vest.