If what you are trying to do is prevent messages going to multiple clients at once, couldn't you do something like this?
package chatMod
function serverCmdMessageSent(%client, %message)
//Spam prevention stuff here, also e-tard filter
//Messaging system
%tags = "\c7%2\c3%1\c7%3\c6: ";
for(%i = 0;%i < clientGroup.getCount();%i++)
%messagingClient = clientGroup.getObject(%i);
messageClient(%messagingClient, '', %tags @ %message, %client.getPlayerName(), %client.clanPrefix, %client.clanSuffix);
Of course, I didn't test this.
But its just an example, loop through all the clients, and if they aren't receiving messages, don't message them.
Of course a post was posted while I was typing this up, and it suggested the same thing I did.
Only way I can think of doing this is overwriting serverCmdMessageSent and only sending the chat to clients if their chat is not being muted by a brick. But that's a terrible way as it will break other mods.