
What style of vehicle you would like to see more?

Modern expensive cars
6 (15.4%)
Early 2000's or 90's generic cheap cars (sedans or so on)
6 (15.4%)
Specific cars for specific purposes (Mail or ice cream van for example)
6 (15.4%)
60's luxury Cars
2 (5.1%)
70's whatever Cars
5 (12.8%)
80's iconic Cars
3 (7.7%)
Racing Cars (NASCAR, Le Mans, stuff like that)
3 (7.7%)
Eastern European Old Cars (Trabant or Lada vehicles for example)
1 (2.6%)
War Vehicles (yes that's right)
3 (7.7%)
Boats (not sure how I'll be able to do it but we'll see)
3 (7.7%)
1 (2.6%)

Total Members Voted: 39

Author Topic: Filipe1020's Development Topic - LOCKED (Move to the Add-Ons Topic)  (Read 300222 times)

I've been meaning to ask you guys this question, what do you think of this growth of car variety in Blockland in these last few years? Compared to back then which we had a few cars.

The amount of new and varied vehicles really is rather impressive. Especially with all the changes that has happened, it's nice to see that we have more vehicles to mess around with now lol.

It almost looks like we represent the new generation of how cars actually look; compared to how they were in the past.

It would make sense too since of the shaders update.

It almost looks like we represent the new generation of how cars actually look; compared to how they were in the past.

It would make sense too since of the shaders update.
True, if we made cars like today but back then, the community would probably react badly with the anmount of detail.

So until the Hydric you guys have been seeing the development of the 2nd generation line up of cars that still goes until this date, I did this because I wanted to do a leap in quality that I wanted to archieve compared to the cars from the 1st line up (Volks, Outlet, Hyperion and so on) but now I've been thinking of the 3rd generation that not only will be centered in model quality but in new features and other extra details.

Any features you guys would like to see in the near future? I've been contacting my friends who are car makers for a cooperation to see if it's possible to push the boundaries a bit to add even more content in our vehicles so we can release cars that are more intuitive and fun, don't think of us as a rivalry but more like a group of people who gives out tips to each other and help with new content that can be used on our next add-ons.
« Last Edit: May 31, 2016, 11:21:54 AM by Filipe »

We need blinkers [which are easy with cyclic animations; according to Teneksi (I will test this out later on)], Nitrous?, Animated Speedometers and actual engine sounds.

We need blinkers [which are easy with cyclic animations; according to Teneksi (I will test this out later on)], Nitrous?, Animated Speedometers and actual engine sounds.

Well, it's fairly easy to do blinkers in a way that would be possible, but may result in single frames of sketchiness (you know, when two parts of a model overlap exactly). I know of a way to make those more rare, but they may still have a low chance of appearing. Using hideNode and unHideNode would be much more reliable, and, since it's not nearly as complex as emergency lights, it doesn't pose as much of a problem of becoming a visual lag meter. However, custom headlights and taillights which are changed with CVS would be problematic, unless it would be possible to parent some function from support_garage and let the blinker script know which version of the signal needs to be used. Or, I could get in contact with Barnabas and hopefully he could explain (for the third time!! apparently I need to learn to take notes or something) how to make an animation which can make a part disappear rather than scale it.

Nitrous might work by adding velocity to the vehicle in the direction it's pointing. This is not the same as adding more torque to the wheels, but this doesn't seem to be an option. If the vehicle's mass was high, velocity could be added repeatedly until it's at max speed (a max speed which would be lower than 200 or 300 BPS)

Animated speedometers would be possible but would require a lot of animations. Possibly, single-frame animations. Of course, either this would need a great number of nodes, or it would take up an animation slot, which are very valuable to those who seek working doors.

I have made a speedcheck-based script which uses a combination of speed and acceleration to play engine sounds which rise or fall depending on whether the vehicle's speed is increasing, decreasing, or constant. It still sounds odd at times, but it's much more immersive than the typical engine sounds we've encountered.

I would say that Vehicle_CrownVic2016 (still in progress) is a progenitor for what you might call the third generation. The video which will accompany its eventual release will explain just how extensive the changes are. I've made many of its changes in ways that should make it relatively easy to apply them to future vehicles, and I'd be glad to explain how to use them (although please wait until I've actually finished the car; some of the scripts have improved dramatically despite working in the same way)
« Last Edit: May 31, 2016, 06:08:32 PM by Teneksi »

We need blinkers [which are easy with cyclic animations; according to Teneksi (I will test this out later on)], Nitrous?, Animated Speedometers and actual engine sounds.
Haha I actually made this suggestion to filipe ingame a few days ago

But yes blinkers would be awesome not only for RP, but for realism and innovation as well. The blinkers could be 4 for left and 6 for right (j and l) and 2 (k) for hazards, pressing them again would disable them

what about brick controls, like the CVPI, so nobody has to download a GUI?

what about brick controls, like the CVPI, so nobody has to download a GUI?

Well, it's fairly easy to do blinkers in a way that would be possible, but may result in single frames of sketchiness (you know, when two parts of a model overlap exactly). I know of a way to make those more rare, but they may still have a low chance of appearing. Using hideNode and unHideNode would be much more reliable, and, since it's not nearly as complex as emergency lights, it doesn't pose as much of a problem of becoming a visual lag meter. However, custom headlights and taillights which are changed with CVS would be problematic, unless it would be possible to parent some function from support_garage and let the blinker script know which version of the signal needs to be used. Or, I could get in contact with Barnabas and hopefully he could explain (for the third time!! apparently I need to learn to take notes or something) how to make an animation which can make a part disappear rather than scale it.
The thing is, what you can do if you were to have a CVS vehicle, is to make the nodes that are in the blinker animation, and parent them to the rig. I've done this before with my cars that have different types of headlights and other widgets. It would be possible this way.

Yes, it would be possible, but it would have the problem of literally the first sentence in that paragraph

I think that if the lights have lag or whatever, it's fine just as long as you know the lights are blinking

I think that if the lights have lag or whatever, it's fine just as long as you know the lights are blinking
the extra goody to add to blinkers is to make a flashing orange light at a given bone location.

I really should try this out; I think it could be done.