Author Topic: Donald Sterling Banned for Life  (Read 3154 times)

Adam Silver, commissioner of the NBA, just announced that Donald Sterling, owner of the LA Clippers, is banned for life and has also been fined $2.5 million. He is also being forced to sell the franchise.  These actions are following a 15 minute long leaked audio tape of Sterling making tribal comments and pleading that his girlfriend does not "broadcast" black people around her or bring black people to his games.

I really wasn't expecting such a severe punishment, but I'm glad the NBA did the right thing. Feel free to discuss and debate.
« Last Edit: April 29, 2014, 03:10:16 PM by #Ravencroft »

Good indeed.

We don't need people like that in sports. loving biggot starfish.

so he made a tribal comment and then got kicked out and fined?
that's a bit harsh, he deserved being kicked out but not fined, well now that i think of it, if it was broadcasted then I would say its alright to fine him

so he made a tribal comment and then got kicked out and fined?
that's a bit harsh, he deserved being kicked out but not fined
He has a reputation of being tribal and has really flaunted it publicly the past few days. There's not need for that garbage in the league, especially when your own team protests you. He deserved it 100%.

He has a reputation of being tribal and has really flaunted it publicly the past few days. There's not need for that garbage in the league, especially when your own team protests you. He deserved it 100%.
read edit pls

How the forget does the nba have the power to fine people?

How the forget does the nba have the power to fine people?
Sterling was part of the league, anyone part of the league can be fined, such as players, owners, presidents, NBAPA members, etc.

Look how many fines Dallas Mavericks owner has gotten in his career.

Also, if the dude doesn't like blacks, fine, but what the forget is he doing in the nba then?

making enough money to take a 1.5 mil fine and not instantly go bankrupt, presumably

This is why I get my VIP basketball tickets from the owner of the Lakers, not the Clippers.

making enough money to take a 1.5 mil fine and not instantly go bankrupt, presumably
The guy's worth billions.

Fining him was a huge over-reaction in my opinion.
I agree that he deserved getting banned, but being fined is going overboard.

I don't understand why racism is illegal. If you want to truly make people understand that being different is absolutely fine you shouldn't force it on them.