Author Topic: Money and ATM system independent from cityrpg?  (Read 1240 times)

Hey, I just want the money and bank/ATM system from cityrpg as a standalone addon, if that would be possible. Only admins can spawn the bank/atm bricks, /grantmoney command (makes money out of thin air, exclusive to admins.) and /givemoney command (gives money to the person specified in the command) etc etc.

Sorry Cassord but I fail to find out how the hell these loving triggers work.

Sorry Cassord but I fail to find out how the hell these loving triggers work.
you don't need to even use triggers, just have the bank datablock and set code to happen when you touch it by packaging onPlayerTouch.

Honestly, this is best done by redoing it from scratch. Pulling it out of cityrpg would just be really confusing and infuriating.

Honestly, this is best done by redoing it from scratch. Pulling it out of cityrpg would just be really confusing and infuriating.
It would be easier to rewrite it too. City RPG money code is loving crammed in there deep.

It would be easier to rewrite it too. City RPG money code is loving crammed in there deep.
Not just deep, but hard ...besides loveual jokes, it is so poorly put in it's not even worth pulling it out  :cookieMonster:

Not just deep, but hard ...besides loveual jokes, it is so poorly put in it's not even worth pulling it out  :cookieMonster:
What the forget.

Go away.

How would it work with paying people?

The money mod that I use works with Slayer, where you can set specific teams to have different incomes and it uses score. However, there is no ATM system (you don't drop money when you die though), and my buy events are separate and does not give the brick owner the money. Also, I can't give it away because it's private and isn't made by me.

However, if someone were to make a different version of this concept it would be fantastic if it worked with buying events and an ATM, too.
« Last Edit: May 02, 2014, 03:30:43 PM by Who Cares99 »

You could use RpCore or whatever it was

You could use RpCore or whatever it was
that doesn't work anymore and hasn't worked for 2 years.

Bump. Jesus christ I need this.