Author Topic: Jesus loving Christ  (Read 6879 times)

Titanium Man/Omicron Corp here. My brother kept pestering me the whole day so I set him up with a Blockland Forums account so he can pester someone else instead of me.

And jesus loving christ, I am losing my balls and my sides are skyrocketing into space from everything he is posting. Epitome of stupidity but come on, he's 7. He'll probably stay on here for about a day or 2 more

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« Last Edit: May 05, 2014, 12:20:12 PM by Badspot »

pls forum Self Delete right now so we can end this.

likely story

you probably just got bored of trying to troll so you are making this story up to save your reputation

I talked with your brother in Russian I feel very accomplished.

Lol I'd actually believe that for some reason.

why did you bring this plague upon us

Nice ninja. Because its either him annoying us or him annoying you

likely story

you probably just got bored of trying to troll so you are making this story up to save your reputation
If this would be actually be true, it'd be like trying to convince the world to love you right after you murdered someone in public

oh stuff watch out guys cocoa ain't messin this time, you better hope op's fast enough before he gets beat like a bitch.

but yeah post some proof


I could look at his last posts instead of asking but it's 2am and I don't really feel like clicking his profile and then Show Latest Posts so could someone fill me in?
The levels of stupid are too damned high!!
« Last Edit: May 05, 2014, 01:12:15 AM by Pie Crust »

Just look at them. There's too many.