Author Topic: Making a game, what Language?  (Read 1990 times)

I'v taken the liking of learning programming languages, and I decided I wanted to make some type of 2D platform game. What programming language should I use?


I also need a compiler and GUI maker.

I have a Text Editor that works for the languages above.




No but really I dont know much of anything about programming - Just wanted to make this lame joke. Im gonna guess C++ though.  :nes:

Exactly what I was thinking when I saw the name, until I read it.

I think Javascript.

Maybe with your lua mastery

If you know Lua, then you can possibly use Love2D, a free framework. There are numerous amounts of libraries for you to use, as well as tutorials to learn how create and build love2d games.

you have to plan this out first. you don't simply make a game. you need a backstory, what it's gonna be about, what style, what genre, will it be 3d or sidescroller, and you have to actually know what you're doing. it's easier said than done. i don't even know how to make a game.

you have to plan this out first. you don't simply make a game. you need a backstory, what it's gonna be about, what style, what genre, will it be 3d or sidescroller, and you have to actually know what you're doing. it's easier said than done. i don't even know how to make a game.
He's asking what language he should use, not how to make a game.

C++ is the most common language used for game development, at least among those choices given. C# might work, I don't know
Assembly is pretty pointless to use outside of certain niche application
Javascript is a client-side scripting language for web pages
C would be difficult for games since it's not object-oriented
Python and ruby I don't know enough about to say

It might be a good idea to look into a premade game engine that uses a scripting language, rather than starting your own from scratch
« Last Edit: May 05, 2014, 09:57:50 AM by Headcrab Zombie »

C# is much more developer-friendly than C++. I'd go with C#.

Python maybe

also can you even program with notepad++

Python maybe

also can you even program with notepad++
You can write code but you have to use another program for compiling.

Just google "<programming language> IDE"

C++ is the language you'd want to go for. What engine are you using?

Also, if you're beginning with C++, use for help. The IDE you'd want to stick with is either Microsoft Visual Studio Express or Code::Blocks
« Last Edit: May 05, 2014, 10:22:07 AM by Markey »

C++ is the language you'd want to go for. What engine are you using?
You're telling someone who obviously has no programming experience to go straight to C++? Are you insane?