Author Topic: If you were God, what would you do?  (Read 2677 times)

I would observe all the universes and make 4 dimensional cubes everywhere.

stop africa from existing

Make a better world where flying, magical stuff, transformation/shape shifting,etc, is possible

I'd end the world and make us live in an eternal Blockland

I would delete thread

Either change the laws of physics to justify my existence, or remove philosophy, so I can't be questioned.

make death impossible

remove gravity and turn earth into blockland

be nice and also not care if anyone believed in me or not

stop africa from existing
It's hilarious how you act sweet and innocent yet you post stuff like this.

I'd end the world and make us live in an eternal Blockland

Just pretend to exist and grant prayers for the rich.

It's hilarious how you act sweet and innocent yet you post stuff like this.
lol wtf is wrong with you? that's not even bad compared to some of the things said here

I would observe all the universes and make 4 dimensional cubes everywhere.

i wouldn't exist