Author Topic: Blockland Development  (Read 3377 times)

Let's take a look at ALL of the updates since the "amazing" shadows and shaders update back in 2012

  • r1701 - bug fixes
  • r1707 - bug fixes
  • r1711 - bug fixes
  • r1713 - bug fixes
  • r1715 - bug fixes
  • r1728 - bug fixes
  • r1730 - bug fixes
  • r1741 - door bricks
  • r1749 - other halloween bricks
  • r1753 - bug fixes
  • r1766 - balls
  • r1775 - bug fixes
  • r1783 - bug fixes
  • r1808 - speedkart
  • r1853 - bots
  • r1855 - bug fixes
  • r1908 - fov slider
  • r1918 - bug fixes
  • r1922 - blockheads ruin xmas
  • r1931 - bug fixes

# of total updates: 20
# or big updates promised by shadows and shaders update: 0
# of bug fix updates: 13

Quote from: kompressor
Not having to deal with interiors + terrains makes it a lot easier to make brick and vehicle physics really good.
We can make incremental changes and get big improvements in the short term. Killing interiors + terrains is a big step towards a brighter future. Bigger than buying a copy of Unity.

I just thought removing maps would've helped more than this...


I bet the shadows update was made just to get blockland on steam, I mean I do like some shadows but I miss the fun I had in maps, but I don't go like "OGM MAPS CUM BAK PLS"

Links to kompressor quote or fake

You quoted it yourself, "We can make incremental changes and get big improvements in the short term."

What does incremental mean to you?

Blockland was able to mature into a man. It got balls.

Links to kompressor quote or fake

Not having to deal with interiors + terrains makes it a lot easier to make brick and vehicle physics really good.
We can make incremental changes and get big improvements in the short term. Killing interiors + terrains is a big step towards a brighter future. Bigger than buying a copy of Unity.
I got it to work!

Well Truce...

to me, incremental means;
Code: [Select]
devTime = year(1)

     sleep devTime
loop while(blocklandExists = 1)

And with "big improvements";
Code: [Select]
devTime = year(1)

     sleep devTime
loop while(blocklandExists = 1)

And then add "short term"
Code: [Select]
devTime = month(2.1)

     sleep devTime
loop while(blocklandExists = 1)

I wish they could atleast announce something exciting for a next big update

I wish they could atleast announce something exciting for a next big update
Yeah, I miss the thrill and excitement for the v21 update.

I wish they could atleast announce something exciting for a next big update
What about hats?
something exciting
Oh, nevermind then.

But will more content make them build?

But will more content make them build?
Of course, a part of the community did built a lot of things and made V21 related add-ons after the shaders announcement right? We just need that kind of push

1 thing sure, annoying the devs won't make them feel more motivated to make stuff

Not that this is too annoying probly

It's been said several times that baddy is in the middle of doing a compatibility-breaking update. AKA your "major update" that you're so desperate to get.