Author Topic: Does anyone here have Gym Tests?  (Read 931 times)

by gym tests I mean things like the Beep test (pretty sure you guys in the US have that)

I have to do one of these tests every Wednesday, and we have 2 different ones.
The Beep test and the 12 Minute run
The beep test you probably already know about and 12 minute run is pretty self-explanatory.

I get up to like 55 in the beep test and 27 laps in the 12 minute run.

how well do you do in the gym tests your school has, forums?

we always called it the "shuttle run" instead of "beep test"

We never ever had tests or grades or anything like that in PE.

We just had a 1/2 hour period where we'd do various sports, whether we were good at them or not.

Yea we have test at the end of the unit on the rules and terms used in the unit we were doing. It's usually pretty easy.

The fudge is a beep test

Never heard of it

The fudge is a beep test
you run from one side of the gym to the other before the beep
each time the beep comes faster

I have both each school year, but only once.

Do your schools also have you listen to incredibly stress-inducing pop music while you're running?

Do your schools also have you listen to incredibly stress-inducing pop music while you're running?

Back in high school we did the pacer test (what you call the beep test), a pushup test, a situp test, and a stretch test.
I don't think they had any grade impact, they were done at the beginning and end of the course to measure improvement

Back in high school we did the pacer test (what you call the beep test), a pushup test, a situp test, and a stretch test.
I don't think they had any grade impact, they were done at the beginning and end of the course to measure improvement
Pretty sure its the same here except idk what the stretch test is
we have to do the plank and wall sit for up to 5 minutes and its horrible.
I can barely get past a minute on wall sit and I can do about 2 minutes doing the plank

Pretty sure its the same here except idk what the stretch test is
I think he's talking about the thing where you put your feet up against this little box, with your legs straight, and you gotta stretch your fingers as far past your feet as you can and there's a ruler on the box to measure it

we have a fitness test of running a mile, stretching, push ups, curl ups, and some other stuff every 2 years but i just finished my last fitness test ever this year

Pacer tests?

I did pretty damn well for a completely inactive slob

yes I have the pacer
highest is 60 something