Author Topic: The obesity trend in America is amazing  (Read 7674 times)

Some people cant help from gaining weight, like lower income homes that have to buy frozen food with so much preservatives that it will be like the loving steak in Fallout 3. I had to live like this before, trust me you would of had to eat stuff food that will last until your next payment (My father gets payed every 3 loving WEEKS). I don't get a lot of healthy food because we cant afford it and it wont last long at all.

(edit after finishing thread)

To you people who think over weight people have no self control, you never lived through it I am overweight but I still have self control, I eat healthy when I have a chance to. Some of you people think over weight people just like to eat, well your wrong everyone is diffrent it could be from genetics, preservative filled food that is unhealthy, and just not able to get exercise like if they have a health problem but where at the correct weight for their age at the time they got it.

14 year old burger from McDonalds, this proves that the preservatives  is it any wonder that Cancer is so common with all of the foods that contain carcinogens that we eat on a daily basis?
« Last Edit: May 10, 2014, 11:22:49 AM by Siberian Husky »

bananas are cheap
buy bananas

Some people cant help from gaining weight, like lower income homes that have to buy frozen food with so much preservatives that it will be like the loving steak in Fallout 3. I had to live like this before, trust me you would of had to eat stuff food that will last until your next payment (My father gets payed every 3 loving WEEKS). I don't get a lot of healthy food because we cant afford it and it wont last long at all.
yea but did you know

exercise is freeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee e

Companies like Monsanto can suck off a whale and collapsedoing.
lol hippie
Monsanto doesn't have to disclose anything in the first place, nothing they make is even for mass markets, it's meant for large-scale farmers

and GMO is safe for all the anti-science users on this forum

lol hippie
Monsanto doesn't have to disclose anything in the first place, nothing they make is even for mass markets, it's meant for large-scale farmers

and GMO is safe for all the anti-science users on this forum
yea for the most part, most genetically modified food/ingredients undergo a lot of testing

I eat fast food every week, still 160lbs and 6'2", quite skinny

im 54 kg and 1.67 1.73 m
« Last Edit: May 10, 2014, 11:28:27 AM by swollow »

yea but did you know

exercise is freeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee e
No loving stuff, I just updated the post I made with more info. I live in a highly urban area, I step outside 4 things bad can go wrong in the first minute, I have a chance of getting stung by a bee (their all loving around here because the neighbors yard is all FLOWERS) and getting a really bad fever. 2, I could get hit by a forgetin car because our yard is only like what? Four feet from the house? 3, I sunburn very easily. 4, What the forget is their to do? Sit here and bake in the sun as I start to loving drown in sweat? I live on a main street that is always in motion, its nearly impossible to cross the street. Some people cant get exercise because of issues like weak legs, very little energy or even heavy discomfort while exercising that causes back pain for a day or two afterwords.

No loving stuff, I just updated the post I made with more info. I live in a highly urban area, I step outside 4 things bad can go wrong in the first minute, I have a chance of getting stung by a bee (their all loving around here because the neighbors yard is all FLOWERS) and getting a really bad fever. 2, I could get hit by a forgetin car because our yard is only like what? Four feet from the house? 3, I sunburn very easily. 4, What the forget is their to do? Sit here and bake in the sun as I start to loving drown in sweat? I live on a main street that is always in motion, its nearly impossible to cross the street. Some people cant get exercise because of issues like weak legs, very little energy or even heavy discomfort while exercising that causes back pain for a day or two afterwords.

Sorry but there should really be no excuses unless you have like 10 herniated discs, sciatica, a broken spine, and glass bones

I go to physical therapy and I see a 85 year old man who has skin cancer busting out exercises and asking what else he can do. You know why? because hes not a pusillanimous individual

Weak legs? Apparently not to weak to walk that fat lard to McDonalds.They can do resistance band exercises to strengthen your legs. Bicycle if you can walk/run.

I gotta wonder...

How many of you guys actually eat basically no junk/snack food and have good servings of fruits and vegetables and don't live off of microwaveable goods?

wtf what else is there to eat?

when i see people on the internet saying "everyone is beautiful" to some obese person on tumblr or something, i always chuckle

when i see people on the internet saying "everyone is beautiful" to some obese person on tumblr or something, i always chuckle
true that beauty is on the inside but dang
plz actually TRY HARD to lose some weight because the truth is, its unhealthy

almost 40% of america is loving obese
thats honestly loving disgusting and sad to think that that many people are that pathetic
if your fat go loving workout and eat healthier youre a loving joke

*65% of americans

No loving stuff, I just updated the post I made with more info. I live in a highly urban area, I step outside 4 things bad can go wrong in the first minute, I have a chance of getting stung by a bee (their all loving around here because the neighbors yard is all FLOWERS) and getting a really bad fever. 2, I could get hit by a forgetin car because our yard is only like what? Four feet from the house? 3, I sunburn very easily. 4, What the forget is their to do? Sit here and bake in the sun as I start to loving drown in sweat? I live on a main street that is always in motion, its nearly impossible to cross the street. Some people cant get exercise because of issues like weak legs, very little energy or even heavy discomfort while exercising that causes back pain for a day or two afterwords.
oh my god those are the worst loving excuses, getting stung by a bee? dont be such a little bitch
you can exercise anywhere you are, unless its like 100 degrees out, anyone can go for a run outside as long as they stay hydrated. not to mention there are hundreds of other exercises to lose weight without running.
and dont even give me the loving "oh we're poor and live in the city, its not POSSIBLE to eat healthy". for one, buying fast food all the time is more expensive then buying groceries. we had like no money when i was younger and my parents managed to feed us healthy foods and encourage exercise so we wouldnt grow up to be fat pieces of lazy stuff. making soup for an entire family will cost you like $5, buying vegetables isnt expensive either.

eat a loving salad and stop making bullstuff excuses

I have a chance of getting stung by a bee (their all loving around here because the neighbors yard is all FLOWERS) and getting a really bad fever.

Bees aren't particularly aggressive: they are only going to sting you if you hit them or something. They don't hunt you down like bull ants, and you know where they are generally.


2, I could get hit by a forgetin car because our yard is only like what? Four feet from the house?

I go on school camps (in the middle of nowhere) where any one of us could: get bitten by a snake/spider (of the Australian varieties), fall while abseiling (which has happened), get injured in whitewater rapids, and many other things, all hours from any hospital. I have only ever seen one person get injured in 5 years of doing it. You are worrying about things that are not that likely to happen, people aren't going to drive into your yard, and if you are really worried just go to a park or something, they have those fitness things for this exact purpose.

This is probably the best reason, but it still is pretty terrible, considering how easily it could be mitigated.

3, I sunburn very easily.

Sunscreen, Hat, Collared Shirt, Sunglasses. Where I live sunburn is much easier to get because of altitude, I've only ever gotten it when I played cricket.
This is a pretty weak excuse.

4, What the forget is their to do? Sit here and bake in the sun as I start to loving drown in sweat?

Go for a run, long distance is probably easier because it is a more relaxed pace, just practice pacing yourself in laps around the block or something.
If you want to do sprints, do Self Deletes, and if you want to upgrade that, do Self Deletes with pushups at one line, jog back, situps at the next, jog back, burpees at the next, jog back, sprint to the next, sprint back. Repeat. They help your agility, along with your sprints.
Use one of those fitness things they have at parks to do some stuff on equipment.
Go out to a national park and go hiking for a few hours with a bag (that fits properly).
To stop baking, drink water not any of that bullstuff sports drink or soda. Sports drinks are only good for recovering after heavy exercise where you have lost a lot of salt

The only real excuse here, if google didn't exist. You could even ask your gym teacher at school if he recommends anything.

Some people cant get exercise because of issues like weak legs, very little energy or even heavy discomfort while exercising that causes back pain for a day or two afterwords.

Weak legs, an issue of not doing enough exercise, just work on them with leg exercises.
Very little energy, eat a more balanced diet, get enough sleep, do exercise (it will help your endurance)
Heavy discomfort, this will go away, I used to find most exercise difficult, but no more. Also, I had to walk 48 kilometers with blisters on both my feet, cramps in my calves on the second day, and a heavy bag. I could hardly walk for the next week. It's just something you have to push through or else you get nowhere. No pain, no gain.