Author Topic: The obesity trend in America is amazing  (Read 7012 times)

you would eat a lot too if your food didn't taste like stuff lol
and don't respond with ~300 lbs being too much for somebody four feet tall forget you i work out i need the carbs

It's not a disease. Diseases are contagious. Obesity is  just a really bad medical condition. However, I do agree that something should be done to prevent it.

the fast food companies lure you in by opening vents and you can smell the food a mile away, making you hungry.
Restaurants produce smells. Buildings need to be ventilated. This is a basic consequence of the existence of a restaurant, not a conniving ploy.

the fast food companies lure you in by opening vents and you can smell the food a mile away, making you hungry. they also put stuff in it to make you want it more.
gotta make that money, yo.

also i can only run about 3 seconds without having a heart attack

back in the 4th grade I went through a weird phase after my parents got divorce and I got really really fat. it's the worst feeling ever, uncomfortable to go swimming, can't run for over 30 seconds. Never again, I've had my experience it was terrible. Go outside this summer friends!!!

It's not a disease. Diseases are contagious. Obesity is  just a really bad medical condition. However, I do agree that something should be done to prevent it.
It's the opposite of contagious.

Seeing fat people makes you not want to eat. Ever again.

back in the 4th grade I went through a weird phase after my parents got divorce and I got really really fat. it's the worst feeling ever, uncomfortable to go swimming, can't run for over 30 seconds. Never again, I've had my experience it was terrible. Go outside this summer friends!!!
You should write a biography.

Obesity is not a loving disease, it's people who have no self control. forget I hate fat people so much "muh weight is a disease, I cannot help it, now why won't you let me bring my mcdonalds into the movie theatre."

Why is it your guys' decision on whether or not someone should be obese?

Why is it your guys' decision on whether or not someone should be obese?
Because it's very bad for you?

Because it's very bad for you?
"Cis scum! You need to die for hating fat people!"

Because it's very bad for you?
It still isn't your decision?

the fast food companies lure you in by opening vents and you can smell the food a mile away, making you hungry. they also put stuff in it to make you want it more.

pharmaceutical companies lure you in by advertising that they will solve the problem of your sickness so you will buy more so that you can be healthy!!!
theme park companies lure you in by advertising fun rides that people like so they come back for more!!!
vending machines lure you in with colorful logos and serving drinks/snacks/whatever that you actually want so people will come back for more!!!
ATMs lure you in with the convenience of not having to carry all your money on you in advance, which makes you come back for more!!!
video game companies lure you in with fun video games that will make you play more!!!
healthy restaurants lure you in by having the promise of healthier food so people will eat more!!!

et cetera

god damn people act like every obese person ever is one of those tumblrites

lets face facts for a moment and realize that they're not and plenty of obese people are trying to actually lose weight or have insecurities about their weight

im not even really obese. i mentioned it earlier, and i'm not "fat". but I'm constantly worrying about my weight and wanting to lose it.