Author Topic: The obesity trend in America is amazing  (Read 7010 times)

Just look at this stuff. Since a lot of people eat fast food, shouldn't the companies do things to make their meals healthier? I mean, McDonalds is a multi-billion dollar company and you don't see them improving their food. Your opinions?

mcdonalds can go eat a richard
people are putting blame on the companies while it's really the amerifats who are doing nothing about it

obese people just gross me out

The point of fast food is to be quick, cheap and easy, not healthy

The point of fast food is to be quick, cheap and easy, not healthy

don't you think the CDC should take to this as a hazard, since obesity is a disease?

Sugar means tasty.

Tasty means people will want more.

Wanting more means buying more.

Buying more means company profit.

Company profit means $$$.

im 147 and 5'4 so I'm kinda obese but i don't eat fast food.

im 147 and 5'4 so I'm kinda obese but i don't eat fast food.

consider it the same thing because you're still eating unhealthy and getting high amounts of carbohydrates/saturated fats.

since obesity is a disease?
obesity is not a disease
i hate it when people say this

we had a teacher at school who was so fat she couldnt go up the stairs.

..she now has lung cancer, and my teachers said she was smoking a lot.

but people who are fat is their fault, not fast-food companies. although they're a part of it, its their fault for eating so much.

consider it the same thing because you're still eating unhealthy and getting high amounts of carbohydrates/saturated fats.
I don't eat that unhealthily.

I mean I enjoy the occasional Arizona, the chips, but I do balance it out with a lot of fruit and healthier things like meat which contain protein.

im 147 and 5'4 so I'm kinda obese but i don't eat fast food.
fast food is not the only cause for obesity

being fat is caused by a lack of self control

we had a teacher at school who was so fat she couldnt go up the stairs.

..she now has lung cancer, and my teachers said she was smoking a lot.

but people who are fat is their fault, not fast-food companies. although they're a part of it, its their fault for eating so much.

the fast food companies lure you in by opening vents and you can smell the food a mile away, making you hungry. they also put stuff in it to make you want it more.