Author Topic: The obesity trend in America is amazing  (Read 7676 times)

i know fat people who have self control what you guys on about

It's not a disease. Diseases are contagious. Obesity is  just a really bad medical condition. However, I do agree that something should be done to prevent it.
Not all diseases are contagious. A disease is defined as "A disorder of structure or function in a human, animal, plant, etc... that is not the direct result of physical injury."

Obesity still isn't a disease, but I thought I'd clarify that for you so you don't spread around that definition in the future.

being fat is caused by a lack of self control

You're very quick to pass judgment about something you've never experienced.

Depending on the person, it's a lot more difficult than just eating less. Very deep habits and mental connections have to be broken. It's an addiction.

It still isn't your decision?
Yeah, I am willing to bet that most obese people don't want to be obese. They probably didn't even "decide" to be obese as you are saying. It is a lot of the time caused by things like depression, or lack of self-control. Unhealthy food is addictive too.

i know fat people who have self control what you guys on about
It's not only caused by lack of self control. Some people are just addicted to fast food. Others eat as a form of expression. (Don't quote me on any of this. It is always possible that I am just wrong.)

They can stuff stuff in their mouths all they want. It's a decision they make. And I don't really care because it's their life.

They can stuff stuff in their mouths all they want. It's a decision they make. And I don't really care because it's their life.
But you care that we care?

We care because it's a rapidly spreading medical condition that can result in death.

heart disease is the leading cause of death in America; not shocking. this is why people from other countries call us fat.

heart disease is the leading cause of death in America; not shocking. this is why people from other countries call us fat.
Actually, I think it's because a lot of us are fat.

Actually, I think it's because a lot of us are fat.


surprisingly, today me and a few kids got in trouble for doing fat jokes

Food companies putting more sugars, salts, and stuff to make the food more tasty while advertising it as healthy because it has less fat. Plus we have TVs, computers, so people aren't moving as much.

I am not saying Twinkies, McDonalds, Doritos, and Coca-Cola are bad for you, but consuming those things in large quantities while doing nothing is bad for you. At the same time fat is not entirely bad, but sugar can be.

back in the 4th grade I went through a weird phase after my parents got divorce and I got really really fat.
Because you probably binged, which is a big factor for obesity. Binging is eating a lot of food in order to fill a depression.

Fat people is because of corruption and stupidity.

heart disease is the leading cause of death in America; not shocking. this is why people from other countries call us fat.
heart disease isn't only caused by obesity you twat.

also i hope you guys realize that not all fat people are pigs
some overweight people legitimately have genetic problems