Author Topic: QMOIS Dragonfly  (Read 11038 times)


For approximately three years, I have been planning, building, and perfecting my greatest work to date, the QMOIS Dragonfly. This topic is the ship's official showcase, and will feature various different areas of the ship as they reach completion. The topic will be continually updated as more parts become complete and display-worthy. On completion, this ship will be used in an RP context and as a mobile headquarters for various QMOI operations, along with other activities.



The main external view of the ship. Since the last renovation and refinement, the ship has been equipped with trim manipulators, ailerons, and an articulating tail to improve stability in flight. The head segment was modified to change airflow, allowing for the implementation of an "aft bulge" to make more room for a larger hangar and other accommodations, as well as a garden area seen in the middle.
The ship's windows and general design scheme were also redone to make the overall ship look more like my original vision.


An area where long-term residents of the ship can come to get a load off, train in melee combat, go shopping, or have breakfast or dinner.

Vundrav Bar

One of multiple bars throughout the ship, this particular bar is the largest and oldest (the first of them to be built) aboard the ship. The bar features "homemade" (synthesized) exotic beverages of many varieties, a vintage Microblock jukebox, television with shipboard and broadcast channels, and even rainbow lights. At night (or if the ship is otherwise in darkness), the blinds may be lowered, the lights put on, the jukebox playing, and a great party venue is created and a good time is had. But it's definitely not a recommendation for hurricanes...

Morning Lounge

In this little corner of the ship, the place to be after leaving your stateroom may be found and breakfast sought. Various foods such as beef stew, salad, rolls, muffins, crackers, and waffles, as well as various drinks and sauces, may be found at the breakfast bar. The lounge also has two of its own televisions for separate viewing the two shipboard channels; one can have his or her pick between the news & events channel or the entertainment channel. One can also work on coursework or study or just relax and read a book in a quiet little nook of the ship.

Martial Arts

In this somewhat unlikely spot aboard the ship is the martial arts ward. Here shipgoers may learn everything from swordplay, melee combat, or general gymnastics such as exercises and games. The ward is both recreational and practical; self defense for emergency situations are taught, whilst those interested in the eastern martial arts may also come to learn. Like the bar, the martial arts ward is not a recommended place to be while the ship is flying through large storms.

Muwezo Diner

The main eatery for long term residents of the ship. Here is the best place to satisfy appetites with a generously large variety of foods catering to every life choice advocate, synthesized but nearly indistinguishable from the real thing, along with user-operated stoves. Also has coffee.

General Goods

The ship's long-term resident gift shop. For long journey people, a place to prepare for departure; for permanent residents; basically the mall. This area has everything from cosmetics to computer components to paints. Also has its own cosmetics booths (not to be mistaken for toilets).


Every once in a while, the Dragonfly may experience an unusually powerful hurricane, an enemy encounter, a deadly virus, or the dark side of human nature. The Medical Ward is the ship's hospital, housing treatment areas minor to major cases, an isochamber for extreme cases requiring quarantine, and a ward for minor problems as well as routine operations such as dentistry and cosmetic surgery.
This room in particular is the entry, for check-ins and check-outs, as well as security. Equipped with a MicroBlock Icecube desktop computer, which also serves as an override for the Isochamber in case of incident.


Cosmetic surgeries, dental operations, routine checkups, and whatnot all happen here. Accessible by appointment.

Main Area

Moderate to major cases. Special enclosed areas for long term stays. Entry to the Isochamber visible at the end of the hallway in the bottom left picture.

Medical Ward Lounge

A private area for general relaxation and refreshment for those staying long-term in the medical ward.


And last but not least for the Medical Ward, the Isochamber. This chamber is completely isolated from the rest of the ship, requiring its own built-in airlock entry and atmospheric and environment control system, monitored from inside by another MicroBlock Icecube computer, with a fully evented environment control program.
The isochamber has two subchambers for quarantine patients, which are fully rated for metahuman, undead, and omnimorphic lifeforms (See The Thing, John Carpenter, for reference).


The academy deck of Dragonfly houses the ship's main information and learning areas, as well as a number of community venues and social areas. The area accomodates residents, passengers, and students alike, who may browse at their leisure or enroll in an academy's group study plan, which is not entirely unlike many public school systems on Earth. Given the Dragonfly's high capacity to stay aloft for exceptionally long periods of time, a student could live on the ship from childhood to graduation without seeing the ground close up; the true airborne scholar.


The Classroom is the Academy deck's main gathering area for learning, teaching, community, discussion, and whatnot. The area can be used to teach, to have a discussion about something, or as a clan meeting center. The classroom can be specially reserved for up to an hour's privacy by appointment, with a three days' advance warning.

Media Center

The Media Center serves as a secondary community center complete with a computerized presentation set, a private study area, a virtual library set complete with holoprojected interface synchronized with Dragonfly's AI system, and internet access by way of the ship's largest collection of MB Icecube computers.


The Gymnasium, whilst being the ship's fitness center, can double in and of itself as an educational venue, where passengers and residents may learn about health and fitness. The gym also contains exercise equipment and gear, as well as a game room and a TV with three channels, one for outside ship news.


The Academy Lounge serves as a hangout venue for recreational activities such as board games, card games, and any kind of noisy chat that the commons area seen below might not take too kindly. Eating and drinking are also permitted in here.


The academy area's commons area, where students may gather and discuss, chat, hang out, or relax. Though drinking and eating are not generally permitted, the rule is not strictly enforced.

Office Ward

The office ward is where aspiring students go to enroll in long-term initiatives and studies, and other academic groups. Here is also where reservations for the classroom for purposes of community or learning may be arranged or managed.
The area also houses a private testing ward which can also be used as a private study area for advanced
students schooling in more obscure or difficult branches of study.

Stay tuned, more pictures coming soon!
« Last Edit: May 25, 2014, 07:07:08 PM by Remousamavi »

I knew this will be finished soon.


Holy stuff, that's amazing.

Builds like this make me think about integrating some kind of google maps movement thing in which you can navigate through a build, because for many large scale builds pictures simply do not give it justice. Although yeah it'd be easier to just look at it in-game ';-;

Anyways uhh
The overhead view uhh

thats the face of ill intent

The next part has just been added:

The Medical Ward

An intralinked index has been added to the OP to make navigating it more easy.

Thanks for the feedback!

While this isn't a 10/10 build in some spots, everything about it looks amazing. Some of the minor details like plants and color scheme are off, but the sheer size of the build and how things are thought out and placed... Honestly, this would be a fun RP for a week or two. What was the inspiration for it?

Oh My gowsh
I remember this one, you gave me a complete private tour.

really, really nice work here. the only thing that i could say would be a good improvement to work towards is the color scheme on the interior walls.

The exterior is bad-ass.

Remember you hosting this awhile ago for some reason;
everything about it is really nice.