
Which is your main Xbox?

Xbox 360
Xbox One

Author Topic: Xbox Topic  (Read 54884 times)

Just about the only thing I ever do on Xbox anymore is youtube and netflix

Trying to get The Orange Box CD to work tho

aha king of 50

Trying to get The Orange Box CD to work tho
It's a shame you can't simply get TF2 for xbox, I already own Portal 1, and I don't want Half Life, so I don't want to waste money on the Orange Box, but if I really want TF2, I guess I'll have to. (I know TF2 is free on PC, but my laptop is not meant for gaming).

i had a fun time dismantling two original xboxes to either replace the hard drive with my good one or to replace the disk drive in the original one to no avail

It's a shame you can't simply get TF2 for xbox, I already own Portal 1, and I don't want Half Life, so I don't want to waste money on the Orange Box, but if I really want TF2, I guess I'll have to. (I know TF2 is free on PC, but my laptop is not meant for gaming).
Orange box backwards compatibility xbox one plz

It's a shame you can't simply get TF2 for xbox, I already own Portal 1, and I don't want Half Life, so I don't want to waste money on the Orange Box, but if I really want TF2, I guess I'll have to. (I know TF2 is free on PC, but my laptop is not meant for gaming).
honestly from experience I wouldn't recommend tf2 on Xbox it's more active than PS3 but definitely nothing compared to PC, just my input tho. also toons of mods too which can be fun :)

honestly from experience I wouldn't recommend tf2 on Xbox it's more active than PS3 but definitely nothing compared to PC, just my input tho. also toons of mods too which can be fun :)
My laptop is for work, and wouldn't handle TF2 without lag.

honestly from experience I wouldn't recommend tf2 on Xbox it's more active than PS3 but definitely nothing compared to PC, just my input tho. also toons of mods too which can be fun :)
This is one of the reasons why I prefer it on the Xbox; the PC version can get way too overcrowded, more lacking of awesome 1v1 fights, more likely to be forced to rely on your giant team to not be noobs for success (if you are one that focuses on the technical objective), etc. Also I find it to be more balanced with the default weapons in Xbox over PC's various types; that's just my perspective.

Finished SR4 and Gat out of Hell.
GooH was a bit easier to get into after playing SR4 more to relearn the controls. The game is definitely still lacking in content and is very short (to the point where I'm not sure it would be worth the cost at full price). I spent several hours playing but the majority of that was achievement hunting and completing every ingame challenge for an achievement.

SR4 was good again (played it on 360 before), had some good laughs and also got to play its DLC (also very short) which did give some overpowered weapons and powers.
Biggest downside is that the graphics are in no way improved and in some places are terrible. They're identical to those of SR4 on 360 and therefore those of SR3 too.

Other than that I've played a bit more of Witcher 3(after a long hiatus) and have been chasing down some of their free weekly DLC stuff and Witcher gear (which is awful as it seems completely pot luck as to whether you stumble onto any of the 6~ quests that make up each set).

So a question, what game(s) for Xbox 360/One coming out this Autumn are you anxious to play the most?

For me it has to be Fallout 4 (I even pre-ordered the Pip-Boy edition). I really can't wait.
After that it's Just Cause 3.
And I'm curious about Halo 5 and Battlefront 3.

I REALLY don't know whether I want an Xbox One or not...

I REALLY don't know whether I want an Xbox One or not...
It's alot better than a ps4

It's alot better than a ps4
I've decided to stick with the 360 for now, and might be buying Destiny soon (if my parents allow me).
EDIT: My parents, without hesitation, let me buy Destiny, should arrive by Tuesday.
« Last Edit: August 01, 2015, 03:58:47 AM by Majorth »

This has been the longest 4 days ever!

Destiny is so fun. I'm a level 23 Hunter, and I'm getting to grips with the multiplayer. So far I've only been playing Control. My best kill score was 14 kills and 8 assists, but I was on FIRE!

Also, shameless triple post :^)

I've been playing Farming Simulator 2015 like mad this past week lol.